Book review : Szent István birodalma és Janus Pannonius mandulafácskája
This article reviews the book "The Realm of St. Stephen : A History of Medieval Hingary, 895-1526" by Pál Engel.
Orgy Accusations in the Middle Ages
A középkori orgia-vádak nyomában.
Rex Iustus – a keresztény királyság szent megalapítója
Rex iustus : The Saintly Institutor of Christian Kingship
Book review : At the gate of Christendom : Jews, Muslims and ʿpagans' in medieval Hungary, c.1000-c.1300
This article reviews the book "At the gate of Christendom : Jews, Muslims and ʿpagans' in medieval Hungary, c.1000-c.1300" by Nora Berend.
A középkori orgia-vádak nyomában
Orgy Accusations in the Middle Ages.
The Middle Ages
Situated between antiquity and Modernity, the Middle Ages constitute an intermediate period between the grand beginnings of European civilization and its contemporary achievements. An intermediate status is always ambivalent. Thinking in strictly dualistic terms, it is no longer the old and not yet the new, or, conversely, it allows the partial survival of the old and prepares the birth of the new. This article addresses three aspects: (a) the extension of European Middle Ages is both related to different periodization schemes of universal and national history, and situated in a geographical dimension. With the Roman Empire and christianigy as basic points of reference, this notion, born in Renaissance Italy and nurtured in Western Europe, has always embraced more than Europa Occidens. Besides a reconsideration of the North–South divide the specific medieval features of East-Central—the ‘borderlands of Western civilization’—are described well. For presenting these multiple and changing identities two methods are adopted: (b) the characterization of economic, social, and mental structures as debated by recent historiography, and (c) a historical chronology of narratives, personalities, and artifacts for adding life and color.
Szent László "csodás" tettei krónikáinkban
The "miraculous" deeds of St. Ladislas in Hungarian chronicles.
Écritures saintes et pactes diaboliques : Les usages religieux de l’écrit (Moyen Âge et temps Modernes)
Holy Writings and Pacts with the Devil : Religious Uses of Writing (Middle Ages and Modern Times)Christianity, being a "religion of the Book," implies a number of everyday, sacramental, & imaginary contexts in which writing gains & radiates sacrality. We examine the communication phenomena related to specific "nonecclesiastical" figures in the champs religieux of European Christianity, as well as other uses of books & writing in a learned ecclesiastical context, including secret books of hermetism & ritual magic. The sacramental/saintly & the magical/diabolical character ascribed to writing is explored from two angles. First, we examine how books, scrolls, letters -- ie, written materials as physical objects -- were ascribed a positive or negative propensity according to their content & the context in which they were used. Second, we present some cases where writing, as an act of communication, became a medium to approach supernatural agents -- to conclude agreements & receive messages from them. Adapted from the source document.
Rex iustus : The Saintly Institutor of Christian Kingship
Analyses the medieval historiographical and hagiographical tradition of St. Stephen.
The Annales and Medieval Studies in Hungary
This paper is an attempt to assess the impact in Hungary of the French school of historiography, Annales, on four levels. It begins with a brief overview of the translations of the past decades, and considers cases of personal and institutional co-operation between French and Hungarian historians. Then, in the second part a more general enquiry is attempted, a kind of Rezeptionsgeschichte, which presents first the principal trends and varieties of medievalist scholarship in Hungary, outlining the possible points of contact and dialogue with the Annales historians, and subsequently some important oeuvres are presented, where these encounters really produced results.
A rontás- és gyógyításelbeszélések struktúrája : maleficium és csoda
The structure of narratives of bewitching and healing : the maleficium miracle.Offers a comparative structuralist analysis of the miracle narratives of St. Margaret of Hungary and Giovanni Capistrano, with early modern maleficium narratives from witch trials.
Images and designations for rebellious peasants in late medieval Hungary
Traces the formation of the stereotype of the rebellious peasant the 15c.
Keresztes háború és nemzeti propaganda : Pierre Dubois : A Szentföld visszafoglalásáról
Crusade and national propaganda : Pierre Dubois's De recuperatione Terre Sancte
A terenzói látomás
The vision of Terenzo.
Book review : Enchantment of Witchcraft?
This article reviews the book "Between the Living and the Dead : A Perspective on Witches and Seers in the Early Modern Age" by Éva Pócs.
Book review : Boszorkányság vagy tündéri varázslat?
This article reviews the books "Élők és holtak, látók és boszorkányok" by Éva Pócs, "Between the Living and the Dead" by Éva Pócs, "A magyarországi boszorkányság forrásai" edited by József Bessenyei, "Ördögi mesterséget nem cselekedtem" by Ildikó Kristóf and "Démonikus és szakrális világok határán : Mentalitástörténeti tanulmányok Pócs Éva 60. születésnapjára" edited by Katalin Benedek, Eszter Csonka-Takács.
A boszorkányüldözés Közép- és Kelet-Európában (vázlat egy összehasonlító áttekintéshez)
Witch-hunts in Central and Eastern Europe (an outline of a comparative overview.Analyses the medieval and early modern witch-hunt, its legal circumstances and social motives.
Le "Annales" e gli studi medievistici in Ungheria
The Annales and Medieval Studies in Hungary.
Book review : Montaillou harminc éve
This article reviews the book "Montaillou, egy okszitán falu életrajza (1294-1324)" by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie.
Book review : The Common Roots of Europe
This article reviews the book "The Common Roots of Europe" by Bronislaw Geremek.
Borselli és Taeggio Margit-legendája Bánfi Florio apparátusával
The Margaret legend of Borselli and Taeggio with the apparatus (criticus) of Florio Bánfi.
Le Goff, the Annales and Medieval Studies in Hungary
Discusses the influence of Jacques LE GOFF (1924-) and French historiography on Hungarian historians.
Late medieval Central European universities
Gives a comparative analysis of university foundations in Poland, Bohemia, Hungary and Germany.
Book review : Európa közös gyökerei : Gondolatok Bronislaw Geremek új könyve kapcsán
This article reviews the book "The Common Roots of Europe" by Bronislaw Geremek.
Svetsi, vesici, vampiri
Saints, witches and vampires.
Rex iustus : Le saint fondateur de la royauté chrétienne
Examines the changing image of the holy ruler in 11c., the canonisation of s. Stephen in 1083 and the hagiographic literature connected with him.
I modelli di santità femminile tra i secoli XIII e XIV in Europa centrale e in Italia
Esamina alcuni esempi aristocrati alle seguaci di s. Elisabetta e di s. Chiara. Con una tavola genealogica delle sante/beate nelle dinastie d'Europa centrale.
Szent Vencel képének átalakulása a X-XIII. századi legendákban
The transformation of St. Wenceslas' image in the legends of the 10th-13th centuries.Discusses the development of the image of holy rulers in hagiographic literature in the light of the legends of s. Wenceslas, duke of Bohemia.
Le Goff, the Annales and Medieval Studies in Hungary
Discusses the influence of Jacques LE GOFF (1924-) and French historiography on Hungarian historians.
Miraculum y maleficium : Algunas reflexiones sobre las mujeres santas de la edad media en Europa central
Miraculum and Maleficium : Reflections Concerning Late Medieval Female Sainthood.