Publications of Szögi, L.

Klaniczay G. National Saints on Late Medieval Universities. In: Font M, Szögi L, editors. Die ungarische Universitätsbildung und Europa. Pécs: Universität Pécs; 2001. p. 87-108.
Klaniczay G. Late medieval Central European universities. In: Szögi L, Varga J, editors. Universitas Budensis, 1395-1995. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Levéltára; 1997. p. 171-81. Abstract

Late medieval Central European universities

Gives a comparative analysis of university foundations in Poland, Bohemia, Hungary and Germany.

Laszlovszky J. Hungarian university peregrinatio to Western Europe in the second half of the twelfth century. In: Szögi L, Varga J, editors. Universitas Budensis, 1395-1995. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Levéltára; 1997. p. 51-61. Abstract

Hungarian university peregrinatio to Western Europe in the second half of the twelfth century

Examines the presence of Hungarian students at the universities of Paris and Oxford and their influence on the transformation of the Hungarian church.