Publications of Rév, I.

Emerging Trends in Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in Europe :

The METRIS Report : A report by an expert group set up by the European Commission

Rév I. Evidence of Things Unseen. East central Europe. 2009;36(2):296-303.
Rév I. The terror of the house. In: Ostow R, editor. (Re)visualizing national history : museums and national identities in Europe in the new millennium. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; 2008. p. 47-89.
Rév I. The man in the white raincoat. In: Sarkisova O, Apor P, editors. Past for the eyes : East European representations of communism in cinema and museums after 1989. Budapest: CEU Press; 2008. p. 3-56.
Rév I. Honoring Natalie Zemon Davies : Two virtues. Annual of medieval studies at CEU. 2006;12:199-207. Abstract

Honoring Natalie Zemon Davies : Two virtues

Laudatio presented to Natalie Zemon Davies on the occasion of her retiring from the CEU Board of Trustees on 4 March 2005

Rév I. Cultural memory in the present. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press; 2005. Abstract

Cultural memory in the present

Contents: Parallel autopsies -- The Necronym -- A pantheon -- Holy days -- A rule of law -- Underground -- Transition

Rév I. Why does intellectual property matter?. In: Szétfolyóirat : a folyóiratok kultúrája az elektronikus kor szemszögéből. Budapest: BME; 2004. Abstract

Why does intellectual property matter?

Nemzetközi konferencia a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Szociológia TanszékMédia Oktatási és Kutatási Központja szervezésében. 2004. május 21-22

Rév I. Alexandriai könyvtár a pincében. BUKSZBudapesti Könyvszemle. 2004;(4):337-44.
Rév I. A testetlen Szent Korona. In: Millemmiumi konferencia. Budapest: CEU; 2002. Abstract

A testetlen Szent Korona

Millenniumi konferencia a Közép-Európai Egyetemen, 2002. február 22-23.

Rév I. The suggestion. Representations. 2002;(80):62-98.
Rév I. Retrotopia : critical reason turns primitive. In: Scott JW, Keates D, editors. Schools of thought : twenty-five years of interpretive social science. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2001. p. 364-87.

The paradoxes of unintended consequences

To George Soros on his seventieth birthday.

Klaniczay G. Medieval origins of Central Europe : An Invention or a discovery? In: Dahrendorf L, Elkana Y, Neier A, Newton-Smith W, Rév I, editors. The paradoxes of unintended consequences. Budapest: CEU Press; 2000. p. 251-64.
Rév I. Counterrevolution. In: Antohi S, Tismaneanu V, editors. Between past and future : the revolutions of 1989 and their aftermath. Budapest: CEU Press; 2000. p. 247-71. Abstract


Proceedings from a conference held in Budapest at the Central European University from March 26-29, 1999

Rév I. The self-not-fulfilling prophecy. In: Dahrendorf R, Elkana Y, editors. The paradoxes of unintended consequences. Budapest: CEU Press; 2000. p. 285-300.
Rieber AJ. The Marginality of Totalitarianism. In: Dahrendorf R, Elkana Y, Neier A, Newton-Smith W, Rév I, editors. The paradoxes of unintended consequences. Budapest: CEU Press; 2000. p. 265-84. Abstract

The Marginality of Totalitarianism

"Volume of essays collected in a festschrift to honor George Soros"

Rév I. Counter-revolution. BOOKSBudapest Review of Books. 1999;(2-3):128-37. Abstract


A legal case which had been under consideration for seventy-three years was closed on November 28, 1994 in an open session of the Supreme Court of the Hungarian Republic. The Supreme Court upheld the death sentence imposed on Mihály Francia Kiss in 1957 by the Council of the People's Tribunal of the supreme Court of the Hungarian People's Republic for war crimes and other criminal acts. The supreme Court re-examined the case ont appeal by Francia Kiss's bereaved daughter. Since, according to the criminal code, a claimant may make suche an appeal only once, and since no appeal is permitted against a decision made by the Supreme Court in such cirminal cases, this meant that legal procedings, which were initiated in the summer of 1921 and which continued with interruptions until the end of 1994, were finally closed

Retrotopia : critical reason turns primitive

Traces the collapse of the communist regimes & the failure of the antibureaucratic critical Left to the same roots. In the mid-1960s, the critical Left turned away from a future-oriented utopia & discovered anthropology, the peasants, & the primitive as an anticapitalist, antibureaucratic, anticentralist, & anticonsumerist alternative. East European critical intellectuals became unable to provide a technologically desirable, politically sound, historically acceptable critique of the existing communist regimes. The anticapitalist, antiimperialist retrotopia of the New Left seduced the communist ideologues into also giving up the future-oriented utopia that was the only historical legitimation of their regimes. The fall at the end of the 1980s came as a surprise to the social scientists, who were unable to come to terms with the unusual & unexpected changes.

Rév I. The necronym. Representations. 1998;(64):76-107.

Parallel autopsies

Sandor Pewtofi ; Imre Nagy

Rév I. Paraszti ellenállás a klasszikus szocializmusban. Múltunk jövője : szabadelvűek a népi kultúráról.. 1993.

Segédanyag a magyar gazdaság XX. századi története tanulmányozásához

jegyzet Pénzügyi és Számviteli Fõiskola

Rév I. Local government reorganization and housing policy in Budapest : a round-table discussion. Int. J. Urban Reg. Res.International journal of urban and regional research.. 1992;16(3):477-88.
Monumental histories. Rév I, editor. Berkeley: University of California Press; 1991.

Láttuk-e, hogy jön?

az ELTE BTK-BUKSZ rendezésében 1990. dec. 7-én tartott szimpózium anyaga

Book review : Provizpolitik

This article reviews the book: Az elefántcsonttoronyból / Esterházy Péter ; Bp. 1991

Book review : Segédkönyv a Politikai Bizottság tanulmányozásához

This article reviews the book: Segédkönyv a Politikai Bizottság tanulmányozásához / szerk. Nyirö András ; Bp. 1989

Rév I. A centralizáció antiökologikus természete. In: Foltányi Z, Kodolányi G, editors. Közelről nézvést. Budapest: Püski; 1989. p. 47-58.
Rév I. The anti-ecological nature of centralization. In: Kaldor M, Holden G, Falk R, editors. The New detente : rethinking East-West relations. London: Verso; 1989. p. 307-21.

Book review : Az ember végül ...

This article reviews the book: A magyar gazdasági reform útja / Berend T. Iván ; Bp. 1988

Rév I. The advantages of being atomized. In: Association IS, editor.; 1986. (International Sociological Association).
Rév I. Local autonomy or centralism : when was the original sin committed. Int. J. Urban Reg. Res.International journal of urban and regional research.. 1984;8(1):38-63.