International Relations

Global governance: Transnational rules and institutions governing global issues
European Studies: Lessons and effects of the recent European enlargement and future scenarios; politics and theories of European integration; European neighborhood policies; the transatlantic dimension of the EU; governance in the new EU member states
International Affairs: Analysis of the political, economic, military and ideational factors of continuity and change in the international political system; theories of International Relations; transnationalization and globalization of world politics
Security Studies: Security and defence policies, particularly in Europe. Linkages between conventional, environmental and energy security

Hungary Embracing Globalization: The Challenge of Competitiveness

Csaba, L.. "Hungary Embracing Globalization: The Challenge of Competitiveness." Montenegrin Journal of Economics 3, no. 5 (2007): 27-34.
Department of International Relations

Lévai Imre: A komplex világrendszer evolúciója

Csaba, L.. Lévai Imre: A komplex világrendszer evolúciója In Lévai Imre: A komplex világrendszer evolúciója. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006, . Magyar Tudomány , no. 04., 2007.
Department of International Relations

A rendszerváltozás a világgazdaságban

Csaba, L.. "A rendszerváltozás a világgazdaságban." In Világgazdaságtan, edited by A. Blahó, 281-298. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2008.
Department of International Relations

Az újfajta makroökonómiai populizmus

Csaba, L.. "Az újfajta makroökonómiai populizmus." Pénzügyi Szemle 53, no. 4 (2008): 592-606.
Department of International Relations
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Frankel, J. A. – Pissarides, Ch. A. (eds) NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics

Csaba, L.. Frankel, J. A. – Pissarides, Ch. A. (eds) NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics In Frankel, J. A. – Pissarides, Ch. A. (eds) NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics, 2005 London – Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2007,. Vol. 57. Acta Oeconomica 57, no. 4., 2007.
Department of International Relations

Ekonomika perekhodnogo etapa novii tezis nevozmozhnosti

Csaba, L.. "Ekonomika perekhodnogo etapa novii tezis nevozmozhnosti." In Tsentralno-evropeiskii Almanakh, edited by V.Nemchinov and J. Horváth, 80-107. Moscow: Logos, 2008.
Department of International Relations
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Interdisciplinarity and economics

Csaba, L.. "Interdisciplinarity and economics." In The Individuality of a Scholar and Advancement of Social Science, edited by A.Gasior-Niemec, 131-139. Warsaw: Rewasz, 2008.
Department of International Relations
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