International Relations

Global governance: Transnational rules and institutions governing global issues
European Studies: Lessons and effects of the recent European enlargement and future scenarios; politics and theories of European integration; European neighborhood policies; the transatlantic dimension of the EU; governance in the new EU member states
International Affairs: Analysis of the political, economic, military and ideational factors of continuity and change in the international political system; theories of International Relations; transnationalization and globalization of world politics
Security Studies: Security and defence policies, particularly in Europe. Linkages between conventional, environmental and energy security

Ready for nuclear?

The International Atomic Energy Agency reports that as of July 2009 there were 52 countries interested in building their first nuclear power plant. A new paper by EPRG member Jessica Jewell characterizes and evaluates these "Newcomer Countries" in terms of their capacity and imperatives to develop nuclear power as well as the associated risks and uncertainties.

Wednesday, 10 February, 2010 - 11:00 - 12:30
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Balázs Vedres
Center for the Study of Imperfections in Democracies (DISC)
Department of Network and Data Science
Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG)

DPP faculty member publishes new book on Global Energy Governance

The global market for oil and gas resources is rapidly changing. Three major trends - the rise of new consumers, the increasing influence of state players, and concerns about climate change - are combining to challenge existing regulatory structures, many of which have been in place for a half-century. "Global Energy Governance" analyzes the energy market from an institutionalist perspective and offers practical policy recommendations to deal with these new challenges.

Varieties of Capitalism or Capitalism 'Tout Court'

Greskovits, B., and D. Bohle. "Varieties of Capitalism or Capitalism 'Tout Court'." European Journal of Sociology 50, no. 3 (2009): 355-386.
Department of International Relations
Center for European Union Research (CEUR)
Department of Political Science
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Social Structures in the Making

Greskovits, B., M. Baethge, and W. Adamski. Social Structures in the Making In Sisyphus Social Studies. Vol. X. Sysiphus Social Studies X. Warsaw: IfiS Publishers, 1997.
Department of International Relations

Post-Socialist Institution Building.

Greskovits, B., and Wladislaw Adamski. Post-Socialist Institution Building. In Sysiphus Social Studies. Vol. XI. Warsaw: IfiS Publishers, 1999.
Department of International Relations
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG)

Andrej Nosko is a graduated PhD student at Political Science Department, researches coping strategies of small, open, transitional economies of Central Europe with their energy import dependence. His theoretical focus is on issues of energy, security, and government-corporate relations. Andrej's experience developed while living in 6 countries, and besides academia, working in private, NGO as well as governmental sectors. Before returning to CEU, Andrej worked for the European Commission in Brussels in the field of internal security.

alumnus (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG)

Jessica Jewell is an alumnus (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at Central European University. Her research focuses on energy security under long-term energy scenarios and as a driver for policy change. More broadly, she is interested in the interaction between national energy priorities and global energy objectives. She works in the Energy Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

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