Balázs Vedres

Academic rank: 
Associate Professor
Director, Center for Network Science
Department of Network and Data Science
Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Zrinyi u. 14
Phone number: 
+36 1 327-3000 x2606
Ph.D. 2004 (Sociology), Columbia University, U.S.A
M.Sc. 1997 (Economics and Sociology), Budapest University of Economics, Hungary
B.A. 1995 (Economics and Sociology), Budapest University of Economics
CV attachment: 
Department of Network and Data Science
Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Academic/research topics: 
Post-socialist economic and social transformations
civil society organizations and technology
dynamics of political discourses.


Book Chapter
Vedres, B., and L. Bruszt. "The Politics of Civic Combinations." In Markets and civil society : the European experience in comparative perspective, edited by V. Perez-Diaz. European civil society , no. 5. New York: Berghahn Books, 2009.
Vedres, B.. "The Constellations of Economic Power : the Position of Political Actors, Banks and Large Corporations in the network of Directorate Interlocks in Hungary." In Sprungbrett Region? : Strukturen und Voraussetzungen vernetzter Geschäftsbeziehungen, edited by J. Fischer and S. Gensior. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 2002.
Vedres, B.. "A gazdasági mező szerkezete Magyarországon." In 50 éves a Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetem : jubileumi tudományos ülésszak : 1998. október 1-3., edited by J. Temesi. Budapest: BKTE, 1998.
Vedres, B.. ""Ökonokrata" menedzser elit – az átalakulás nyertesei? : Az elit továbbélésének elméleteitől az átalakulás elmélete felé." In A magyar gazdasági elit a 90-es évek elején, edited by B. Janky and B. Vedres, 23-37. Budapest: BKE Szociológia és Szociálpol. Tansz., 1997.
Conference Paper
Vedres, B.. "Bank and power : The position of banks in the network of directorate interlocks of the large Hungarian corporation." In Changing elites and changing rules of the game : workshop proceedings : Budapest University of Economic Sciences, April 25-27, 1997, edited by Gy. Lengyel and B. Vedres, 173-181. Budapest: BKE, 1998.
Journal Article
Vedres, B., and B. Lászlo. "The Politics of Civic Combinations." VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 19, no. 2 (2008): 140-160.
Vedres, B., L. Bruszt, and D. Stark. "Organizing Technologies : Genre Forms of Online Civic Association in Eastern Europe." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 597 (2005): 171-188.
Vedres, B.. "Book review." American Anthropologist 107, no. 3 (2005): 520-521. Abstract
Vedres, B., and D. Stark. "The Pathways of Property Transformation : enterprise network careers in Hungary 1988-2000. Outline of analytic strategy." Columbia University, Institute of Social and Economic Research and Policy Working Papers, no. 01-01 (2001).
Vedres, B.. "A tulajdonosi hálózatok felbomlása." Közgazdasági szemle 47, no. 9 (2000): 680-699.
Vedres, B., and B. Janky. A magyar gazdasági elit a 90-es években. Budapest: BKE Szociológia és Szociálpol. Tansz., 1997.