Public Policy

Public Policy: Public welfare regimes, social policy, corruption and corruption control, fiscal policy, public administration and management
Higher Education: innovative approaches to higher education (concepts, history, policy and management, the role of Universities in the 21st century) with specific relevance to Central and Eastern Europe and beyond

Reshaping Globalization: Multilateral Dialogues and New Policy Initiatives

'Globalization' has become one of the most normatively charged and politically contested concepts in day to day usage across the range of the contemporary policy process. Based on the proceedings of the international conference organized at the Central European University in the Fall of 2001, the volume's aim is to bring together a range of scholars, international policy makers (from both the public and private domains) and significant players from within civil society to look at how a constructive dialogue about globalization might be developed.

Reshaping Globalization: Multilateral Dialogues and New Policy Initiatives In CPS Books, Edited by Andrea Krizsan and Violetta Zentai. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2003.
Publication cover: 
Center for Policy Studies (CPS)

EPRG researcher discusses OPEC's performance at Oxford University

EPRG researcher Andreas Goldthau presented in the Global Politics of Energy seminar of DPIR, Oxford University. Taking place on 22 February 2011, the event was co-hosted by St. Peter's College. In his lecture, Goldthau critically discussed OPEC's performance in governing the oil market throughout the organization's 50 years of existence.

EPRG researchers discusses global energy policy at ICEI of Complutense University Madrid

Upon invitation by the Global Political Economy Research Group, Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales, EPRG researcher Andreas Goldthau gave two lectures at Complutense University Madrid on 14-15 February 2011. The first talk, held in the Graduate Program seminar, focused on a 'public policy perspective on global energy'.

EPRG member discusses the future of energy in Europe at King’s College

During an event organized by King’s College London on 10 February 2011, EPRG member Andreas Goldthau participated in a panel titled Energy in Europe 2050: Facts, Trends and Scenarios. The event took place at the university’s European Center for Resource and Energy Security.

EPRG researchers publish two chapters in Routledge handbook of energy security

EPRG researchers Aleh Cherp, Jessical Jewell and Andreas Goldthau contributed two chapters in the recently published Routledge Handbook of Energy Security, edited by Benjamin K.

The public policy dimension of energy security

Goldthau, A.. "The public policy dimension of energy security." In The Routledge handbook of energy security, 129-145. Routledge, 2011.
Publication cover: 

Energy security and climate change mitigation: The interaction in long-term global scenarios

Understanding the relationship between energy security and climate mitigation is critical for linking long-term global challenges with immediate national energy priorities.
This thesis examines energy security implications of climate mitigation policies. Using some 70 scenarios from six global Integrated Assessment Models, it shows how pursuing climate policies would affect the geopolitical balance, scarcity of resources, and diversity of energy options in the 21st century.

Thesis author: 
Jessica Jewell
Thesis supervisor: 
Aleh Cherp
Thesis supervisor: 
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
Thesis supervisor: 
Michael LaBelle
Thesis topic: 
energy security
Thesis topic: 
climate change mitigation
Thesis topic: 
energy scenarios

DPP faculty member presents at high level EU conference on 'Politics and Economics of European Energy Security'

DPP facult member Andreas Goldthau presented at a conference organized by the European Commission's JRC on the 'Politics and Economics of European Energy Security' held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 18-19 November 2010. The aim of the conference was to bring policymakers, the academic community, and other key stakeholders together with a view to ensuring that the EU has a coherent energy security policy, and to inject new thinking into the broader European debate around energy security. Dr.

Friday, 26 November, 2010 - 14:15 - 16:00
Event type: 
Fatih Birol (IEA)
Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)
Nador u. 9, Faculty Tower
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