Public Policy

Public Policy: Public welfare regimes, social policy, corruption and corruption control, fiscal policy, public administration and management
Higher Education: innovative approaches to higher education (concepts, history, policy and management, the role of Universities in the 21st century) with specific relevance to Central and Eastern Europe and beyond

Explaining coverage: why do local governments in Central Europe join (or not join) Euroregions?

Medve-Bálint, Gergő, and Sara Svensson. "Explaining coverage: why do local governments in Central Europe join (or not join) Euroregions?" In The Border Multiple: The Practicing of Borders between Public Policy and Everyday Life in Europe , edited by Martin Klatt, Dorte Andersen and Marie Sandberg, 219-245. Ashgate border series. Farnham: Ashgate , 2012.
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
Department of International Relations
Academic rank: 
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy

Dr. Michael LaBelle is an associate professor and the Jean Monnet Chair in Energy and Innovation Strategies at Central European University. He holds a joint appointment between the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy and the Department of Economics and Business. His research is centered on energy governance, innovation strategies, and energy justice. The role of state institutions to foster investment is central to understand the role of companies developing new energy technologies. Professor LaBelle’s past research focused on policies and regulations behind Central Europe’s energy systems, including geopolitics of gas and neoliberal market reforms. He has published widely on the attempt to foster a shale gas industry in Eastern Europe. He teaches courses on energy policies and technologies, including sustainability and innovation. Much of his research involves issues of risk governance, with special attention paid to the sunk cost of energy investments. In addition, he has written peer reviewed articles and consulting publications on the strategic movement of energy firms and the regulatory environment in the Central Eastern European region.

Previously, Dr. LaBelle was a member of the Atlantic Council’s Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network. He worked in the CEU Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP) and at the Regional Center for Energy Policy Research (REKK) at Corvinus University. He has worked on projects for the European Commission, United States Agency for International Development, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Energy Regulators Regional Association and with energy consulting companies and European universities. He holds an MSc and PhD in Geographical Sciences from the University of Bristol.

Ethnic Monitoring and Data Protection: The European Context

An increasing concern felt about the absence of ethnic statistics concerning Roma and other minorities in most spheres of public life led to the idea of this research project. Convinced that the collection of such data would effectively help anti-discrimination litigation, in early 2000 INDOK, the Hungarian Human Rights Information and Documentation Center together with experts from the European Roma Rights Center the Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute and the Central European University launched the research project. The findings of this project served as the basis of this volume.

Ethnic Monitoring and Data Protection: The European Context In CPS Books, Edited by Andrea Krizsan. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2001.
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Center for Policy Studies (CPS)
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