climate change

Aleh Cherp publishes article on energy security and climate goals in The Economist

Professor Aleh Cherp from CEU's Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy published an article on the balancing act between achivieng energy security and climate goals in The Economist. Read his article, investigating the question 'Can Europe achieve energy security without compromising climate goals?' here.

Jessica Jewell and Aleh Cherp publish three co-authored articles on energy security and climate change mitigation policies

Professor Aleh Cherp and Jessica Jewell from CEU's Department of Environmental Scienes and Policy publish three co-authored articles on energy secuirty and climate change mitigation policies.

Friday, 8 January, 2010 - 15:00 - 16:30
Event type: 
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)
Senior Analyst
Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG)

Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), German Institute of Economic Research (DIW) Berlin, Germany; Lead Author of the Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)which has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, 2007; Lead Analyst of the forthcoming Global Energy Assessment (GEA), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

CEU professors lead two Knowledge Modules in Global Energy Assessment


The Global Energy Assessment (GEA) is a major international initiative to help decision makers address the challenges of providing energy services for sustainable development, whilst ameliorating existing and emerging threats associated with: security of supply; access to modern forms of energy for development and poverty alleviation; local, regional and global environmental impacts; and securing sufficient investment.

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