Appraisal of policy instruments for reducing buildings' CO2 emissions

TitleAppraisal of policy instruments for reducing buildings' CO2 emissions
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsÜrge-Vorsatz, D., S. Koeppel, and S. Mirasgedis
Journal titleBuilding Research and Information
Pages458 - 477

The building sector currently contributes approximately one-third of energy-related CO2 emissions worldwide. It is economically possible to achieve a 30% reduction. However, numerous barriers such as financial and behavioural issues, market failures, and misplaced incentives prevent the realization of the high economic potentials. Which policy instruments are the most appropriate and cost-effective for reducing these barriers? To address this question, 20 policy instruments were assessed for their effectiveness in reducing emissions, cost-effectiveness, applicability and special conditions for success. The appraisal is based on over 60 ex-post policy evaluation reports from about 30 countries and country groups, representing best-practice examples of the application of these instruments. Appliance standards, building codes, tax exemptions and voluntary labelling were found to be the most effective policy instruments contrary to others such as Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms or energy/carbon taxation. The most cost-effective instruments, all achieving energy savings at negative costs for society, were appliance standards, demand-side management programmes and mandatory labelling. Since all policy instruments have limitations and only help overcome some barriers, they are most effective if combined into policy packages designed for the respective location, economy and culture.


Cited By :32Export Date: 14 February 2015

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