CEU professors lead two Knowledge Modules in Global Energy Assessment

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The Global Energy Assessment (GEA) is a major international initiative to help decision makers address the challenges of providing energy services for sustainable development, whilst ameliorating existing and emerging threats associated with: security of supply; access to modern forms of energy for development and poverty alleviation; local, regional and global environmental impacts; and securing sufficient investment.

The Global Energy Assessment (GEA) is a major international initiative to help decision makers address the challenges of providing energy services for sustainable development, whilst ameliorating existing and emerging threats associated with: security of supply; access to modern forms of energy for development and poverty alleviation; local, regional and global environmental impacts; and securing sufficient investment.

Two CEU professors (both from the Environmental Sciences and Policy Department) are Convening Lead Analysts in GEA: Aleh Cherp leads the Knowledge Module on Energy, Security and Interdependence and Diana Urge-Vorsatz - on Energy Use in Buildings. Andreas Goldthau of the Department of Public Policy and Alexandra Novikova of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy are Lead Authors in the same Knowledge Modules. Read more about GEA Project here.