International Relations

Global governance: Transnational rules and institutions governing global issues
European Studies: Lessons and effects of the recent European enlargement and future scenarios; politics and theories of European integration; European neighborhood policies; the transatlantic dimension of the EU; governance in the new EU member states
International Affairs: Analysis of the political, economic, military and ideational factors of continuity and change in the international political system; theories of International Relations; transnationalization and globalization of world politics
Security Studies: Security and defence policies, particularly in Europe. Linkages between conventional, environmental and energy security


Csaba, L.. "ECONOMIC SYSTEMS: CONSTRAINTS AND DRIVING FORCES OF CHANGE." In Constraints and Driving Forces in Economic Systems, edited by Hámori Balázs and Rosta M.. Newcastle-upon-Tyne/UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
Department of International Relations
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The Court of Justice’s dilemma – between ‘more Europe’ and ‘constitutional mediation'

Granger, M. - P.. "The Court of Justice’s dilemma – between ‘more Europe’ and ‘constitutional mediation'." In C. Bickerton, D. Hodson, and U. Puetter (eds), The New Intergovernmentalism: States and Supranational Actors in the Post Maastricht Period . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Radu Dudău talks about energy security in the Black Sea Basin

Energy Security in the Black Sea Basin: Challenges and Options

On the 7th of October CEU has welcomed Radu Dudău, an Associate Professor of International Relations at Bucharest University, for an hour long address to students and experts as a part of the Energy Policy Research Group framework. In the events of Ukrainian crisis, the topic of Energy Security in the Black Sea Basin, attracted a large number of attendants.

EUs konkurranserett og -politikk

Sitter, N.. "EUs konkurranserett og -politikk ." In Moderne forretningsjus III, edited by T. Bråthen and I. Unneberg. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget, 2014.
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