Publications of Betegh, G.

Betegh G. Body. In: Algra K, Ierodiakonou K, editors. Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2015. p. 359-440.
Betegh G. Pythagoreans, Orphism, and Greek Religion. In: Huffman C, editor. A History of Pythagoreanism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2014. p. 149-66.
Betegh G. Socrate et Archélaos dans les Nuées. Philosophie naturelle et éthique. In: Laks A, Saetta-Cottone R, editors. Comédie et philosophie : Socrate et les présocratiques dans les "Nuées" d'Aristophane. Paris: Éd. Rue d'Ulm; 2013.
Betegh G. Pythagoreans and the Derveni Papyrus. In: Sheffield F, Warren J, editors. Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy. London: Routledge; 2013.
Betegh G. The Next Principle. Aristotle, Metaphysics A3-4. In: Steel C, editor. Aristotle, Metaphysics A. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012. p. 189-224.
Betegh G. Paul Tannery and the Pour lʼhistoire de la science hellène. In: Luchner K, Primavesi O, editors. The Presocratics from the Latin Middle Ages to Hermann Diels. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag; 2011. p. 359-88.
Betegh G. The Transmission of Ancient Wisdom. In: Gerson L, editor. The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2010. p. 25-39.
Betegh G. What Makes a Myth Eikos? In: Mohr RD, Sanders K, Sattler B, editors. One Book, the Whole Universe: Plato’s Timaeus Today. Parmenides Publishing; 2010. p. 213-26.
Betegh G. Tale, Theology and Teleology in the Phaedo. In: Partenie C, editor. Plato's myths. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009. p. 77-100.
Betegh G. Book review. Philosophical Review. 2009;118(3):375-7. Abstract

Book review

Reviews the book: Christopher Shields, Aristotle. London: Routledge, 2007

Betegh G. Stesimbrotus Derveni author. In: Keyser PT, Irby-Massie GL, editors. The encyclopedia of ancient natural scientists : the Greek tradition and its many heirs. London: Routledge; 2008.
Betegh G. Book review. The Philosophical Review. 2008;118(4):607-10. Abstract

Book review

Reviews the book: Explaining the Cosmos. The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophy by D. Graham

Geréby G. Megjegyzések Platón és Hérodotosz viszonyához. In: Betegh G, editor. Töredékes hagyomány : Steiger Kornélnak. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó; 2007. p. 90-107.

Book review

Reviews the book: Plato's Cosmology and its Ethical Dimensions' by G.R.Carone

On the Physical Aspect of Heraclitus' Psychology

The paper first discusses the metaphysical framework that allows the soul's integration into the physical world. A close examination of B36, supported by the comparative evidence of some other early theories of the soul, suggests that the word psuche could function as both a mass term and a count noun for Heraclitus. There is something in the world, alongside other physical elements, that manifests mental functions. Humans, and possibly other beings, show mental functions in so far as they have a portion of that stuff. Turning to the physical characterization of the soul, the paper argues that B36 is entirely consistent with the ancient testimonies that say that psuche for Heraclitus is exhalation. But exhalations cover all states of matter from the lowest moist part of atmospheric air to the fire of celestial bodies. If so, psuche for Heraclitus is both air and fire. The fact that psuche can manifest the whole range of physical properties along the dry-wet axis guarantees that souls can show different intellectual and ethical properties as well.(edited)

Betegh G. The Derveni Papyrus and Early Stoicism. Rhizai: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science. 2007;4(4):133-52. Abstract

The Derveni Papyrus and Early Stoicism

Recent works by Fabienne Jourdan, Luc Brisson and Francesc Casadesus emphasize the importance of the similarities between the Derveni papyrus and early Stoicism. The paper examines these parallelisms -- focusing on the method of allegorical interpretation, the cosmological roles of air, fire and pneuma and cosmic teleology -- and argues that the similarities, although non-negligible, are not such that would require us to reinterpret the Derveni papyrus against the background of Stoicism. Moreover, the relevant features of the papyrus may be explained from the internal dynamics of the Derveni author's system, and there is thus no need to modify the date of the papyrus to allow Stoic influence. %~ PHIL

Betegh G. Greek Philosophy and Religion. In: Gill ML, editor. A Companion to Ancient Philosophy: Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing; 2006. p. 625-39.
Betegh G. Eschatology and Cosmology: Models and problems. In: Sassi MM, editor. La costruzione del discorso filosofico nell’età dei Presocratici = The construction of philosophical discourse in the age of the Presocratics. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale; 2006. p. 29-50.
Betegh G. Epicurus' Argument for Atomism. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. 2006;30(Summer):261-84.
Betegh G. Szavak és modellek. A vizualizáció szerepe az antik kozmológiában. In: Nyíri JK, Palló G, editors. Túl az iskolafilozófián : a 21. század bölcseleti élménye. Budapest: Áron Kiadó; 2005. p. 131-52.
Betegh G. Exegesis in the Derveni Papyrus. In: Adamson P, Baltussen H, Stone MWF, editors. Philosophy, science and exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin commentaries. London: Institute of Classical Studies; 2004. p. 37-50. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies).
Betegh G. Epikúrosz érve az atomizmus mellet. In: Somos R, editor. Természetfilozófia és metafizika. Pécs: Laterna Magica Egyesület; 2004. p. 2-21. (Passim).

Cosmological Ethics in the Timaeus and Early Stoicism

The paper argues for the relevance of Plato's Timaeus (especially 90b1-d7) for Chrysippus's theory of telos. It claims that Chrysippus could work out quite a few of his own ideas on the subject through a preliminary dialectical discussion of the Timaeus. Moreover, Chrysippus had good reasons, even from a generally anti-Platonic standpoint, to assimilate some aspects of the Platonic stance in his theory of telos. A parallel analysis also shows that despite the strong correspondences, the most significant difference between the Platonic and the Stoic positions lies in the cognitive content of the cosmological knowledge required for achieving the telos.

Betegh G. On Eudemus Fr. 150 (Wehrli). In: Bodnár I, Fortenbaugh WW, editors. Eudemus of Rhodes. Vol 11. New Brunswick; London: Transaction Publishers; 2002. p. 337-57. (Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities; vol 11). Abstract

On Eudemus Fr. 150 (Wehrli)

Fr. 150 of Eudemus Rhodes, preserved in the De principiis of the 6th c. Neoplatonist philosopher Damascius, is our main source on early theogonical narratives. The analysis of Damascius's method shows that Eudemus' work contained probably more theogonies and certainly more generations from the individual theogonies than what we have in the fragment. A survey of the Aristotelian references to the 'theologians' proves that, pace Wehrli, Eudemus's text was not a digression in a systematic work intended to review endoxa on a particular theoretical question: it was more probably a synoptical collection of the genealogical narratives of the 'theologians.'

Betegh G. Le probleme des representations visuelles dans la cosmologie presocratique: pour une histoire de la modelisation. In: Laks A, editor. Qu'est-ce que la Philosophie Presocratique? Villeneuve d'Ascq: Pr Univ Septentrion; 2002. p. 381-415. Abstract

Le probleme des representations visuelles dans la cosmologie presocratique: pour une histoire de la modelisation

The paper discusses the early history of three-dimensional cosmological and astronomical models. It suggests that such models were not simply illustrations but also played an important part in the formation of cosmological theories. It tries to trace the early history of models starting with Cicero's testimony in De re publica I,14 and then moving backwards in time. The main stages of the discussion are Epicurus against the astronomers of Cyzicus, Eudoxus, Plato's Timaeus and Republic, the equipment in the Phrontisterion in Aristophanes' Clouds and Parmenides. Finally, it defends the testimony that Anaximander was the first to build a cosmological model.

Betegh G. Empédocle, Orphée et le papyrus de Derveni. In: Morel P-M, Pradeau J-F, editors. Les anciens savants : études sur les philosophies préplatoniciennes. Vol 12. Strasbourg: Université Marc Bloch de Strasbourg; 2001. p. 47-70. (études sur les philosophies préplatoniciennes; vol 12).
Betegh G. A strasbourgi Empedoklész-papirusz. Magyar Filozófiai Szemle. 1999;43:595-969.

The Sun and the Foot: Heraclitus in the Derveni Papyrus

We have finally at our disposal the first two columns of the highly awaited critical edition of the Derveni Papyrus by K Tsantsanoglou and G M Parassoglou (published in the "Studi e Testi per il corpo dei papiri filosofici greci e latini" and with some slight modifications in the "Corpus dei papiri Filosofici Grecie Latini"). This edition approves of W Burkert's proposition: the Derveni author quotes Heraclitus by name. Furthermore, this text provides the Heraclitean scholarship with a most surprising lesson: as the editors put it, "What had been known up to the present as two distinct and independent fragments (B3 and B94 DK = 57 and 52 M) appear now as one continuous fragment".