Public Policy

Public Policy: Public welfare regimes, social policy, corruption and corruption control, fiscal policy, public administration and management
Higher Education: innovative approaches to higher education (concepts, history, policy and management, the role of Universities in the 21st century) with specific relevance to Central and Eastern Europe and beyond

EUs konkurranserett og -politikk

Sitter, N.. "EUs konkurranserett og -politikk ." In Moderne forretningsjus III, edited by T. Bråthen and I. Unneberg. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget, 2014.

Ungarn” [Hungary]

Sitter, N.. "Ungarn” [Hungary]." In Politikk i Europa, edited by E. Bakke, K. Heidar and E. Berntzen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2013.
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