Political Science

Democracy and Political Institutions: Variety and challenges of democratic regimes. Political regime transition. Nature of non-democracies and hybrid regimes. Qualities of democracies. Political accountability. Political communication. Voting behaviour
Political Economy: Political economy of reforms; international political economy; varieties of capitalism in new Europe.

The Survival of the Fittest : Party System Concentration in Hungary

Enyedi, Z.. "The Survival of the Fittest : Party System Concentration in Hungary." In Post-communist EU member states : parties and party systems, edited by S. Jungerstam-Mulders, 177-201. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Párhuzamos és széttartó tendenciák : ezredfordulós pártpolitika a posztkommunista világban és Nyugat-Európában

Enyedi, Z.. "Párhuzamos és széttartó tendenciák : ezredfordulós pártpolitika a posztkommunista világban és Nyugat-Európában." In A kibővült Európai Unió: hatalom, választások, külpolitika, edited by F. Gazdag, 22-32. Székesfehérvár: KJF, 2005.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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A voluntarizmus tere : a pártok szerepe a törésvonalak kialakulásában

Enyedi, Z.. "A voluntarizmus tere : a pártok szerepe a törésvonalak kialakulásában." In Két Magyarország?, edited by Cs. Gombár and H. Volosin, 132-165. Budapest: Osiris, 2005.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Party politics in post-communist transition

Enyedi, Z.. "Party politics in post-communist transition." In Handbook of party politics, edited by R. S. Katz, 228-238. London: Sage, 2006.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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A befagyott felszin és ami alatta van : a 2006-os választás és a magyar pártrendszer

Enyedi, Z.. "A befagyott felszin és ami alatta van : a 2006-os választás és a magyar pártrendszer." In Parlamenti választás 2006 : elemzések és adatok, edited by G. Karácsony, 205-228. Budapest: Demokrácia Kutatások Magyar Központja Alapítvány, 2006.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Playing with Europe : the impact of European integration on the Hungarian party system

Enyedi, Z.. "Playing with Europe : the impact of European integration on the Hungarian party system." In The European Union and party politics in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by P. G. Lewis and Z. Mansfeldová, 64-85. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Az európai integráció hatása a kelet-európai és a magyar pártstruktúrákra

Enyedi, Z.. "Az európai integráció hatása a kelet-európai és a magyar pártstruktúrákra." In A magyarok bemenetele : tagállamként a bővülő Európai Unióban : BA tankönyv, edited by I. Hegedűs, 155-180. Budapest: Demokrácia Kutatások Magyar Központja Alapítvány, 2006.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Parties in Eastern Europe : A Post-Transition Assessment

Enyedi, Z.. "Parties in Eastern Europe : A Post-Transition Assessment." In La citoyenneté démocratique dans l'Europe des vingt-sept, edited by C. Lequesne and M. MacDonagh-Pajerova, 155-171. Paris: Éditions L'Harmattan, 2007.
Department of Political Science

Party funding in Hungary

Enyedi, Z.. "Party funding in Hungary." In Political finance and corruption in Eastern Europe : the transition period, edited by D. Smilov and J. Toplak, 91-104. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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