Political Science

Democracy and Political Institutions: Variety and challenges of democratic regimes. Political regime transition. Nature of non-democracies and hybrid regimes. Qualities of democracies. Political accountability. Political communication. Voting behaviour
Political Economy: Political economy of reforms; international political economy; varieties of capitalism in new Europe.

Churches and the consolidation of democratic culture : difference and convergence in the Czech Republic and Hungary

Enyedi, Z., and J. O'Mahony. "Churches and the consolidation of democratic culture : difference and convergence in the Czech Republic and Hungary." In Religion, democracy and democratization, edited by J. Anderson, 171-191. London: Routledge, 2006.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Nőttek-e az előítéletek Magyarországon?

Enyedi, Z., Z. Fábián, and E. Sík. "Nőttek-e az előítéletek Magyarországon?" In Társadalmi Riport 2004, 375-399. Budapest: TARKI, 2004.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Enyedi, Z., and Z. Fleck. "Számháború." Beszélő 9 (1995): 23-26.
Department of Political Science
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Is prejudice growing in Hungary? Changes in anti-Semitism, anti-Roma feeling and xenophobia over the last decade

Enyedi, Z., Z. Fábián, and E. Sik. "Is prejudice growing in Hungary? Changes in anti-Semitism, anti-Roma feeling and xenophobia over the last decade." In Social report 2004, edited by T. Kolosi, 363-385. Budapest: TARKI, 2004.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Authoritarianism and prejudice in present-day Hungary

Enyedi, Z., F. Erős, and Z. Fábián. "Authoritarianism and prejudice in present-day Hungary." In Ethnic minorities and inter-ethnic relations in context : a Dutch Hungarian comparison, edited by K. Phalet and A. Örkény, 201-215. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Pártok és pártrendszerek

Enyedi, Z.. "Pártok és pártrendszerek." In A politikatudomány arcai : tanulmányok, edited by A. Gergely, J. Bayer and K. Kulcsár, 181-223. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1999.
Department of Political Science
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Relationships between Authoritarianism and Political Affiliations

Enyedi, Z.. "Relationships between Authoritarianism and Political Affiliations." In Hungary in flux, edited by Z. Spéder, 183-204. Hamburg: Krämer, 1999.
Department of Political Science
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A tekintélyelvűség politikai összefüggései

Enyedi, Z.. "A tekintélyelvűség politikai összefüggései." In Ezredvégi értelmezések demokráciáról, politikai kultúráról, bal- és jobboldalról, edited by J. Simon, 495-499. Vol. 2. Budapest: Villányi uti Konferenciaközpont, 2001.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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Religious and clerical polarization in Hungary

Enyedi, Z.. "Religious and clerical polarization in Hungary." In Religion and mass electoral behaviour in Europe, edited by D. Broughton, 157-175. London: Routledge, 2000.
Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
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