Publications of Csibra, G.

Csibra G. Teleological and referential understanding of action in infancy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 2003;358(1431):447-58. Abstract

Teleological and referential understanding of action in infancy

There are two fundamentally different ways to attribute intentional mental states to others upon observing their actions. Actions can be interpreted as goal-directed, which warrants ascribing intentions, desires and beliefs appropriate to the observed actions, to the agents. Recent studies suggest that young infants also tend to interpret certain actions in terms of goals, and their reasoning about these actions is based on a sophisticated teleological representation. Several theorists proposed that infants rely on motion cues, such as self-initiated movement, in selecting goal-directed agents. Our experiments revealed that, although infants are more likely to attribute goals to self-propelled than to non-self-propelled agents, they do not need direct evidence about the source of motion for interpreting actions in teleological terms. The second mode of action-based mental state attribution interprets actions as referential, and allows ascription of attentional states, referential intents, communicative messages, etc., to the agents. Young infants also display evidence of interpreting actions in referential terms (for example, when following others' gaze or pointing gesture) and are very sensitive to the communicative situations in which these actions occur. For example, young infants prefer faces with eye-contact and objects that react to them contingently, and these are the very situations that later elicit gaze following. Whether or not these early abilities amount to a 'theory of mind' is a matter of debate among infant researchers. Nevertheless, they represent skills that are vital for understanding social agents and engaging in social interactions.

One-year-old infants use teleological representations of actions productively

Two experiments investigated whether infants represent goal-directed actions of others in a way that allows them to draw inferences to unobserved states of affairs (such as unseen goal states or occluded obstacles). We measured looking times to assess violation of infants' expectations upon perceiving either a change in the actions of computer-animated figures or in the context of such actions. The first experiment tested whether infants would attribute a goal to an action that they had not seen completed. The second experiment tested whether infants would infer from an observed action the presence of an occluded object that functions as an obstacle. The looking time patterns of 12-month-olds indicated that they were able to make both types of inferences, while 9-month-olds failed in both tasks. These results demonstrate that, by the end of the first year of life, infants use the principle of rational action not only for the interpretation and prediction of goal-directed actions, but also for making productive inferences about unseen aspects of their context. We discuss the underlying mechanisms that may be involved in the developmental change from 9 to 12 months of age in the ability to infer hypothetical (unseen) states of affairs in teleological action representations. (C) 2002 Cognitive Science Society, Inc. All rights reserved.

Teleological reasoning in infancy: the naive theory of rational action

Converging evidence demonstrates that one-year-olds interpret and draw inferences about other's goal-directed actions. We contrast alternative theories about how this early competence relates to our ability to attribute mental states to others. We propose that one-year-olds apply a non-mentalistic interpretational system, the 'teleological stance' to represent actions by relating relevant aspects of reality (action, goal-state and situational constraints) through the principle of rational action, which assumes that actions function to realize goal-states by the most efficient means available. We argue that this early inferential principle is identical to the rationality principle of the mentalistic stance – a representational system that develops later to guide inferences about mental states.

Kaufman J, Csibra G, Johnson MH. Representing occluded objects in the human infant brain. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. 2003;270(Supplement):140-3. Abstract

Representing occluded objects in the human infant brain

One of the most striking phenomena in cognitive development has been the apparent failure of infants to show 'object permanence' in manual reaching tasks although they show evidence for representing hidden objects in studies measuring looking times. We report a neural correlate of object permanence in six-month-old infants: a burst of gamma-band EEG activity over the temporal lobe that occurs during an occlusion event and when an object is expected to appear from behind an occluder. We interpret this burst as being related to the infants' mental representation of the occluded object.

Farroni T, Csibra G, Simion G, Johnson MH. Eye contact detection in humans from birth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2002;99(14):9602-5. Abstract

Eye contact detection in humans from birth

Making eye contact is the most powerful mode of establishing a communicative link between humans. During their first year of life, infants learn rapidly that the looking behaviors of others conveys significant information. Two experiments were carried out to demonstrate special sensitivity to direct eye contact from birth. The first experiment tested the ability of 2- to 5-day-old newborns to discriminate between direct and averted gaze. In the second experiment, we measured 4-month-old infants' brain electric activity to assess neural processing of faces when accompanied by direct (as opposed to averted) eye gaze. The results show that, from birth, human infants prefer to look at faces that engage them in mutual gaze and that, from an early age, healthy babies show enhanced neural processing of direct gaze. The exceptionally early sensitivity to mutual gaze demonstrated in these studies is arguably the major foundation for the later development of social skills.

Johnson MH, Mareschal D, Csibra G. The development and integration of the dorsal and ventral visual pathways: A neurocomputational approach. In: Nelson CA, Luciana M, editors. Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press; 2001. p. 339-51.

Illusory contour figures are perceived as occluding surfaces by 8-month-old infants

Infants have been demonstrated to be able to perceive illusory contours in Kanizsa figures. This study tested whether they also perceive these illusory figures as having the properties of real objects, such as depth and capability of occluding other objects. Eight- and five-month-old infants were presented with scenes that included a Kanizsa square and further depth cues provided by the deletion and accretion pattern of a moving duck. The 8-month-old infants looked significantly longer at the scene when the two types of occlusion cues were inconsistent than when they were consistent with each other, which provides evidence that they interpreted the Kanizsa square as a depth cue. In contrast, 5-month-olds did not show this difference. This finding demonstrates that 8-month-olds perceive the figure formed by the illusory contours as having properties of a real object that can act as an occluder.

Differential frontal cortex activation before anticipatory and reactive saccades in infants

Neural correlates of anticipatory and reactive saccades were studied in 4-month-old infants by recording high-density event-related potentials. Infants were presented with a fixed sequence of stimulus presentation to which they rapidly showed anticipatory saccades, as well as continuing with some reactive (stimulus-driven) saccades. As in a previous study, no clear evidence was found for adultlike, saccade-related potentials, although some presaccadic differences between reactive and anticipatory saccades were observed. Infants also showed different stimulus offset-related effects preceding the 2 types of trials with a right-frontal positivity when an anticipatory look follows, but only left-frontal positivity when a reactive saccade follows.

Recording and analyzing high-density event-related potentials with infants using the Geodesic sensor net

This article provides an overview of the use of the Geodesic sensor net system for high-density event-related potential (ERP) recording in infants. Some advantages and disadvantages of the system, as applied to infants, are discussed. First, we illustrate that high-density data can be recorded from infants at comparable quality to that observed with conventional (low density) ERP methods. Second, we discuss ways to utilize the greater spatial information available by applying source separation and localization procedures. In particular, we focus on the application of one recent source separation method, Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Finally, we show that source localization can be applied to infant high-density data, although this entails adopting a number of assumptions that remain to be verified. In the future, with improved source separation algorithms, we suggest that single-trial or single-subject analyses may become feasible.

Disordered visual processing and oscillatory brain activity in autism and Williams Syndrome

Two developmental disorders, autism and Williams syndrome, are both commonly described as having difficulties in integrating perceptual features, i.e. binding spatially separate elements into a whole. It is already known that healthy adults and infants display electroencephalographic (EEG) gamma -band bursts (around 40 Hz) when the brain is required to achieve such binding. Here we explore gamma -band EEG in autism and Williams Syndrome and demonstrate differential abnormalities in the two phenotypes. We show that despite putative processing similarities at the cognitive level, binding in Williams syndrome and autism can be dissociated at the neurophysiological level by different abnormalities in underlying brain oscillatory activity. Our study is the first to identify that binding-related gamma EEG can be disordered in humans. NeuroReport 12:2697-2700 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Gergely G, Csibra G, Nádasdy Z. The perceptual basis of causal thinking. In: Pleh Cs, Kampis G, editors. Current approaches in cognitive science. Budapest: Akadémia Kiadó; 2000. p. 52-74.

Gamma oscillations and object processing in the infant brain

An enduring controversy in neuroscience concerns how the brain "binds" together separately coded stimulus features to form unitary representations of objects. Recent evidence has indicated a close link between this binding process and 40-hertz (gamma-band) oscillations generated by localized neural circuits. In a separate line of research, the ability of young infants to perceive objects as unitary and bounded has become a central focus for debates about the mechanisms of perceptual development. Here we demonstrate that binding-related 40-hertz oscillations are evident in the infant brain around 8 months of age, which is the same age at which behavioral and event-related potential evidence indicates the onset of perceptual binding of spatially separated static visual features.

Electrophysiological correlates of cross-linguistic speech perception in native English speakers

The present study examined the electrophysiological responses that Native English speakers display during a passive oddball task when they are presented with different types of syllabic contrasts, namely a labial /ba/-dental /da/, a Hindi dental /da/-retroflex /da/ and a within-category (two /ba/ tokens) contrasts. The analyses of the event-related potentials obtained showed that subjects pre-attentively perceive the differences in all experimental conditions, despite not showing such detection behaviourally in the Hindi and within-category conditions. These results support the notion that there is no permanent loss of the initial perceptual abilities that humans have as infants, but that there is an important neural reorganisation which allows the system to overcome the differences detected and only be aware of contrasts that are relevant in the language which will become the subjects native tongue. We also report order asymmetries in the ERP responses and suggest that the percepts and not only the physical attributes of the stimuli have to be considered for the evaluation of the responses obtained. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Electrophysiological correlates of category goodness

We report the results obtained from a behavioural and electrophysiological study. A synthesised continuum going from labial /ba/ to retroflex /da/ through dental /da/ was tested for category goodness. Native English speakers rated different tokens from each category as good, bad or ambiguous. The results showed that not all of the representatives of each category were ideal and that the categories tested have an internal structure. The electrophysiological study evaluated whether event related potentials (ERPs) mirrored the goodness judgements. During a passive oddball task, the same participants were exposed to native /ba/-/da/, Hindi dental /da/-retroflex /da/ and within-category /ba/-/ba/ contrasts. Results showed that participants pre-attentively perceive the differences in all cases, as shown by mis-match negativities (MMN), late positive deflections (LPD) or greater N1 and/or P2 components for deviant stimuli. Acoustic sensitivities, categorical perception and category goodness all contributed to the waveforms obtained. We attribute the ERP effects to a combination of (1) prototypes built from initial sensitivities, (2) reinforcement with exposure to one's native language and (3) no permanent loss of the initial boundaries explains the effects observed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Goal attribution without agency cues: the perception of 'pure reason' in infancy

The proper domain of naive psychological reasoning is human action and human mental states but such reasoning is frequently applied to nora-human phenomena as well. The studies reported in this paper test the validity of the currently widespread belief that this tendency is rooted in the fact that naive psychological reasoning is initially restricted to, and triggered by, the perception of self-initiated movement of agents. We report three habituation experiments which examine the necessary conditions under which infants invoke a psychological principle, namely the principle of rational action, to interpret behaviour as goal directed action. Experiment 1 revealed that the principle of rational action already operates at 9 (but not yet at 6) months of age. Experiment 2 demonstrated that perceptual cues indicating agency, such as self-propulsion, are not necessary prerequisites for interpreting behaviour in terms of the principle of rational action. Experiment 3 confirmed that this effect cannot be attributed to generalisation of agentive properties from one object to another. These results suggest that the domain of naive psychology is initially defined only by the applicability of its core principles and its ontology is not restricted to (featurally identified) object kinds such as persons, animates, or agents. We argue that in its initial state naive psychological reasoning is not a cue-based but a principle-based theory. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved.

Johnson MH, Gilmore RO, Csibra G. Toward a computational model of the development of saccade planning. In: Richards JE, editor. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum; 1998. p. 103-30.

The teleological origins of mentalistic action explanations: A developmental hypothesis

In this paper we shall argue that mentalistic action explanations, which form an essential component of a mature theory of mind, are conceptually and developmentally derived from an earlier and purely teleological interpretational system present in infancy. First we summarize our evidence demonstrating teleological action explanations in one-year-olds. Then we shall briefly contrast the structure of teleological vs. causal mentalistic action explanations and outline four logical possibilities concerning the nature of the developmental relationship between them. We shall argue for the view that causal mentalistic action explanations are constructed as useful theoretical extensions of the earlier, purely teleological, nonmentalistic interpretational stance.

Neural correlates of saccade planning in infants: A high-density ERP study

Neural correlates of saccade planning in B-month-old infants were investigated by high-density event-related potentials. Subjects made saccades to a target stimulus following a time gap from fixation stimulus offset (gap trials) or with the fixation stimulus still present (overlap trials). Like adults, infants were slower to make a saccade to the target when the fixation stimulus was still present. Strikingly, infants did not show clear evidence of the pre-saccadic components observed in adults which are thought to reflect cortical saccade planning processes. They did, however, show a left frontal positivity, which we suggest reflects cortical disinhibition of the colliculus initiated by fixation stimulus offset, and clear post-saccadic lambda waves. These results indicate that the frontal cortex already plays a role in action control by 6 months of age, while other aspects of cortical action planning may not yet be present in certain task situations.

Attention and oculomotor control: A high-density ERP study of the gap effect

In a gap paradigm, healthy adult subjects performed visually triggered saccades to peripheral targets either with the fixation stimulus remaining on (overlap trials) or going off before target onset (gap trials). All subjects showed faster reaction times in the gap trials (the gap effect). High density scalp event-related potentials were recorded time-locked to both the target stimuli and the eve movement onset. We observed three neural correlates of the gap effect: (i) a prefrontal positivity that precedes the target presentation which may reflect specific preparatory processes, (ii) an enhancement of the early cortical visual responses (P1) to the peripheral target in the gap trials, and (iii) a prolongation of parietal activity in the overlap trials relative to the gap trials prior to the saccade execution. These results suggest that several factors contribute to the gap effect, each having its own neural basis. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.

Teleological reasoning in infancy: The infant's naive theory of rational action. A reply to Premack and Premack

We argue that Premack and Premack's criticism of our demonstration (Gergely et al., 1995) of interpreting goal-directed action in one year-olds in terms of the principle of rationality are ill-founded, and their suggested alternative test for goal-attribution is open to lower level interpretations. We show that the alterative model they propose for our data in terms of 'appropriate' change of means action is but a somewhat imprecise restatement of our account of the infant's naive theory of rational action. Finally, we elaborate and clarify our model of the teleological stance in infancy which we suggest is an as yet nonmentalistic precursor of the young child's later emerging causal theory of mind.

Gergely G, Csibra G, Biro S, Koós O. Understanding rational action in infancy. Psychology of Language and Communication. 1997;1(2):29-37.


This article reviews the book: Words, thoughts, and theories by A. Gopnik and A. Meltzoff

On the dangers of oversimulation

Barresi & Moore fail to provide a satisfactory account for the development of social understanding because of (1) their ambiguous characterization of the relationship between the intentional schema and shared intentional activities, (2) their underestimation of the representational capacities of infants, and (3) their overreliance on the simulationist assumption that understanding others is tantamount to sharing their experience.

Aging, stimulus identification and the effect of probability: An event-related potential study

Event-related potentials (ERPs) of younger and older subjects were compared in a simple reaction time (SRT) and in two GoNogo (20% and 80% target probability) tasks. At the T5 location, the NA component (the difference between the ERPs elicited by the frequent stimuli in the GoNogo tasks on the one hand, and the ERPs in the SRT task on the other hand) emerged earlier in the younger group. The N2b was larger in the younger group, and in this group the rare stimuli of the 80% GoNogo task elicited an enlarged N2. When compared to the older group, the stimulus probability in the younger group had a larger effect on the amplitude of the late positivity. The results show age-related changes at an early stage of the information processing activity, and larger sensitivity of the orienting system in the younger subjects.

Bíró S, Gergely G, Csibra G, Koós O. A racionális viselkedés naiv elméletének kísérleti vizsgálata csecsemokorban. In: Pleh C, Vinkler Z, Botz A, editors. Fikog : a Magyar Megismeréstudományi Társaság és az Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem Általános Pszichológia Tanszéke által rendezett Fiatal Kognitivisták I. konferenciáján elhangzott előadások anyaga : Budapest, 1995. május 11-12. Budapest, Hungary: ELTE; 1995. p. 75-98.

Taking the intentional stance at 12 months of age

This paper reports a habituation study indicating that 12-month-old infants can take the ''intentional stance'' in interpreting the goal-directed spatial behavior of a rational agent. First, we examine previous empirical claims suggesting that the ability to attribute intentions to others emerges during the second half of the first year. It is argued that neither the perceptual evidence (concerning the early ability to discriminate agents), nor the behavioral data (indicating the use of communicative gestures for instrumental purposes) are sufficient to support such claims about the early appearance of a theory of mind, as there are alternative explanations for these phenomena in terms of simpler psychological processes. It is then suggested that to show that an infant indeed attributes an intention to interpret the goal-directed behavior of a rational agent, one needs to demonstrate that the baby can generate an expectation about the most rational future means action that the agent will perform in a new situation to achieve its goal. We then describe a visual habituation study that meets this requirement. The results demonstrate that based on the equifinal structure of an agent's spatial behavior, 12-month-old infants can identify the agent's goal and interpret its actions causally in relation to it. Furthermore, our study indicates that infants of this age are able to evaluate the rationality of the agent's goal-directed actions, which is a necessary requirement for applying the intentional stance. In closing, we discuss some of the theoretical and methodological implications of our study.

Effects of stimulus alternation, repetition and response requirements on event-related potentials to patterned visual stimuli

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to square-pattern stimuli presented either to the upper or the lower half of the visual field. in the Same task the subjects had to respond to the fifth stimulus of a microsequence of stimuli that appeared on the same half field, whereas in the Different task the target stimulus was the alternation of stimulus location after a microsequence of four stimuli to the same half field. The pattern-specific CII component (a negative wave to lower half-field stimulation with 100 ms latency) appeared to be insensitive to task variables. N1 increased to the uncertain alternations of stimulus location. An N2 component with temporal maximum emerged to Nogo stimuli (to the fifth stimulus in the same location in the Different task and the alternation after four identical stimuli in the Same task). An anterior N2 was characteristic to the Nogo stimuli of the Different task. P3 latency was longer, and it had more anterior distribution to the Nogo stimuli.

Event-related potentials and aging – identification of deviant visual-stimuli

The effects of aging on event-related potentials (ERPs) were investigated in visual tasks. The stimuli (two angles within a frame) were frequent (standard) or deviant (differing from the standard either in the orientation of the two angles, in the thickness of the frame, or in both). The target stimuli were defined either by the presence of only one deviant feature, or by the conjunction of the deviant features. The deviant stimuli elicited an increased P2, a posterior N2, on N2b, and a tate positivity (Go and Nogo P3). The latencies of all but the P2 were longer in the older subjects. In the younger group, the target stimuli elicited a larger late positivity than the non-target stimuli that had deviant features, whereas in the older group the target stimuli did not elicit a larger P3 than the stimuli with two deviant features, even when this deviant was a non-target. In contrast to the younger group, in the older group we obtained no P3 over the temporal and occipital locations. We found a reduction of P3 over the posterior location even in a group of middle-aged (mean age = 39 years) subjects. In tasks with only one target feature, the false alarm rate was higher in the elderly subjects. These results suggest a gradual age-related slowing down of the attentive processing of deviant visual patterns, and a decrease of inhibitory functions in the elderly group.

Gergely G, Csibra G. On the ascription of intentional content. Cahiers De Psychologie Cognitive-Current Psychology of Cognition. 1994;13(5):584-9.

Event-related potentials and the identification of deviant visual-stimuli

The effects of deviant visual stimuli on event-related potentials were investigated in a counting task (Experiment 1) and in a reaction time task (Experiment 2). In Experiment 2 the interstimulus interval was either short or long (340 vs. 1020 ms). The stimuli (two angles within a frame) were frequent (Standard) or deviant (differing from the Standard either in the orientation of the two angles, or in the thickness of the frame, or in both of these features). In various conditions the target stimuli were defined by one of the deviant features or by the conjunction of these features. Subjects were more accurate in the counting task, and the reaction time was shortest when the target feature was the deviant angle orientation. Performance was lowest for the conjunction of the deviant features. The deviant angle orientation elicited a posterior negative wave in the 140-180 ms range. As the interstimulus interval increased, the magnitude of this component decreased. All stimuli with relevant (attended) deviant features elicited another posterior negative wave in the 180-260 ms range as well as an anterior positivity with similar latency. When the interstimulus interval was short, and the only target was the Conjunction Deviant, the summed occipital activity to the relevant features of deviant nontarget stimuli was larger than the negativity to the Conjunction Deviant. Target stimuli elicited late positive waves, which were sometimes preceded by central negativity.

Age and inter-stimulus interval effects on event-related potentials to frequent and infrequent auditory stimuli

The aim of this study was to investigate aging effects on non-attended changes of auditory stimulation, by using psychophysiological methods. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to frequent (standard; 950 Hz, p = 0.9) and infrequent (deviant; 1045 Hz, p = 0. 1) auditory stimuli in older (mean age = 60.8 years) and younger (mean age = 21.3 years) subjects. In various blocks the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) was either 800, 2400 or 7200 ms. During the experimental sessions the subjects read books, and ignored the auditory stimuli. As a function of ISI, the amplitude of the NI and the amplitude and latency of the P2 increased. The P2 amplitude was larger in the younger group. In the 120-180 ms latency range the deviant stimuli elicited more negative ERPs (mismatch negativity, MMN) than the standard stimuli. The amplitude of the MMN did not change as a function of ISI. MMN was larger in the younger group. Thus the younger subjects were more sensitive to the deviant stimuli. In the younger group, at the two shorter ISIs, the MMN was followed by a positive wave (P3a). The emergence of this component is an indication of the increased activity of the orienting system in the younger subjects, in comparison to the older age group.

Event-related potentials to irrelevant deviant motion of visual shapes

Event-related potentials to visual shapes moving across the visual field were recorded from 10 subjects. The subjects had to respond to the appearance of one of the shapes, while other shapes were irrelevant. On the periphery some of the shapes changed their orientation or their form. Sometimes the direction of movement was different from the standard direction. Subjects did not detect the changes of the pattern on the visual periphery, and the ERPs to these non-detected deviants were identical to the ERPs to the standard stimuli. Six subjects detected the irrelevant direction of movement. In these subjects the deviant direction of motion elicited a fronto-central positive wave (P3s) with 322 ms mean latency. There was no such sharp positive peak in the four subjects who did not detect the deviant direction of movement. Unlike the non-target stimuli. the targets elicited a large positive wave (P3b) with 530 ms mean latency.

Czigler I, Csibra G. Event-related potentials in a lexical stroop task. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 1991;11(3):281-93. Abstract

Event-related potentials in a lexical stroop task

In a reaction time (RT) situation the subjects made word/non-word decisions to strings of four letters. The original strings could be either words or non-words when read from left to right. Decisions were made for strings resulting when reading the letters in a different sequence specified on each trial. The 'non-word' RT was longer than the 'word' RT, and RT increased further when the (correct) non-word decision was made to strings which constituted a word in the (traditional) left to right order. Event related potentials (ERPs) following the strings were more negative on the left side (the onset of the negativity was approx. 240 ms). Motor reactions were preceded by an epoch (700-300 ms before the response) where the ERPs of trials with stimulus/response conflict were relatively positive. However, the negativity preceding the response (motor potential) appeared to be independent of the stimulus/ response conflict. 'Word' responses were preceded and followed by a positive wave, independent of the motor potential. This positivity is considered to be a very late member of the P3 complex related to lexical memory processes.

Event-related potentials in a visual-discrimination task – negative waves related to detection and attention

Event-related potential effects of deviant stimuli were investigated in a visual discrimination task. The stimuli (two angles within a frame) were either frequent (Standard) or one of two types of infrequent deviant (Deviant 1 or Deviant 2) stimuli. In comparison to the Standard stimuli, for Deviant 1 the two angles differed in their orientation, whereas for Deviant 2 the angles were identical but the frame was thicker. In Condition 1 the subjects counted the number of Deviant 1 stimuli. Of the 13 subjects, 12 did not detect the fact that some of the frames were thicker in this condition (i.e., for the Deviant 2 stimuli in Condition 2). The task in Condition 2 was the same (i.e., the target was Deviant 1), but the subjects were instructed about the thicker frame of Deviant 2 stimuli. In Condition 3, Deviant 2 stimuli became the targets. In comparison to the Standard, Deviant 1 elicited two posterior negative waves in the 120-180 and 240-300 ms latency ranges respectively. In addition, when Deviant 1 was the target stimulus (Conditions 1 and 2), this stimulus elicited the N2 and the P300 as well. In contrast, the irrelevant Deviant 2 elicited no such waves. In the target position (Condition 3), Deviant 2 elicited the second posterior negativity, the N2, and the late positivity. The earlier negativity is considered to be a correlate of processes connected to the automatic detection of the deviant features, whereas the later negativity is considered to be related to attentive processes, i.e., this wave is considered to be a member of the family of processing negativities.