Publications of Piskorski, J.M.

Kubinyi A, Laszlovszky J. Völker und Kulturen im mittelalterlichen Ungarn. In: Kaser K, Gramshammer-Hohl D, Piskorski JM, Vogel E, editors. Kontinuitäten und Brüche : Lebensformen – Alteingesessene – Zuwanderer von 500 bis 1500. Vol 12. Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag; 2008. p. 397-403. (Wieser Enzyklopädie des Europäischen Ostens; vol 12).
Bak JM. A few additional thoughts after reading the book. In: Piskorski JM, editor. Historiographical Approaches to Medieval Colonization of East Central Europe : A Comparative Analysis against the Background of Other European Inter-Ethnic Colonization Processes in the Middle Ages. Vol 611. Boulder: East European Monographs; 2002. p. 383-6. (East European Monographs; vol 611).