Environmental and Energy Studies

Environmental Studies: Environmental policy, governance and management. Environmental justice. Environment and security. Sustainable development. Climate change. Environment, markets and democracy. Environment and livelihoods
Energy Studies: Sustainable energy policies and practices including on energy efficiency and renewable energy. Energy governance at the national and global level. Energy security. Future energy scenarios.

Experts Debate How Russia-Ukraine Crisis Will Affect CEE Energy

CEU's Energy Policy Research Group hosted a high-level roundtable debate on gas supply security in Central Europe as the crisis in Ukraine escalates and potential supply disruption from Russia appears ever more likely this summer. The May 20 “United in Diversification? Implications of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Central and Eastern Europe’s Gas Supply” event included government and industry experts and addressed the critical geopolitical issues as well as practical, day-to-day supply strategies.

Jessica Jewell: high energy intensity of Ukraine's industry challenges its energy sector

The Economist have published a letter to the editor by an EPRG alumna Jessica Jewell (PhD EnvSci 2013, currently with IIASA, Austria) on Ukrainian energy use. Jessica argues that the challenge with Ukraine’s energy is the high energy intensity of its industry. Read more here.

EPRG alumna Jessica Jewell: EU energy security is only as strong as its weakest link

An EPRG alumna Jessica Jewell (PhD EnvSci 2013, currently with IIASA, Austria) has written on the connection between energy security and climate change in The Conversation. Jessica argues that the most effective way to reduce Europe's greenhouse gas emissions is targeting largest emitters such as Germany, Spain or the UK whereas the most important way to increase European energy security is to target small and vulnerable economies in Eastern Europe.

Aleh Cherp presented research at the Annual Conference of the Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

Aleh Cherp presented his research results on global energy security in the 21st century at the Annual Conference of the Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies organized by the Cawford School of Public Policy of Australian National University in Canberra in preparation for the G20 summit in Australia later this year. According to Prof.

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