energy security

Department of Political Science
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG)

Andrej Nosko is a graduated PhD student at Political Science Department, researches coping strategies of small, open, transitional economies of Central Europe with their energy import dependence. His theoretical focus is on issues of energy, security, and government-corporate relations. Andrej's experience developed while living in 6 countries, and besides academia, working in private, NGO as well as governmental sectors. Before returning to CEU, Andrej worked for the European Commission in Brussels in the field of internal security.

alumnus (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG)

Jessica Jewell is an alumnus (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at Central European University. Her research focuses on energy security under long-term energy scenarios and as a driver for policy change. More broadly, she is interested in the interaction between national energy priorities and global energy objectives. She works in the Energy Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

Project status: 
Jan, 2008 - May, 2012
The Global Energy Assessment (GEA) is a major initiative established by IIASA in late 2005 to help decision makers address the challenges of providing energy services for sustainable development, whilst ameliorating existing and emerging threats associated with: security of supply; access to modern forms of energy for development and poverty alleviation; local, regional and global environmental impacts; and securing sufficient investment.
Senior Analyst
Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG)

Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), German Institute of Economic Research (DIW) Berlin, Germany; Lead Author of the Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)which has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, 2007; Lead Analyst of the forthcoming Global Energy Assessment (GEA), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

Academic rank: 
Coordinator of MESPOM Consortium
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)
Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG)

Aleh Cherp's research interest include energy security and transitions to sustainable energy systems as well as strategic environmental assessment. He is a Coordinating Lead Analyst (Energy Security) in the Global Energy Assessment and the Consortium coordinator of MESPOM Erasmus Mundus Masters course.

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