A népek angyalai, avagy lehetséges-e nemzeti kereszténység?

TitleA népek angyalai, avagy lehetséges-e nemzeti kereszténység?
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsGeréby, G.
Journal titlePannonhalmi Szemle
Pages35 - 55

The Angels of the Nations : Is National Christianity Possible?The article calls attention to the theological problems involved in the practice of the Hungarian church to sing Kölcsey's Himnusz (National Anthem) and Vörosmarty's Szozat (another national song) at the end of the liturgy on nearly every Sunday. The theological implications of these unsanctioned liturgical appendices, is shown to be at loggerheads with the role of the nations, and nationhood in general, as conceived by the New Testament and the early Church Fathers. Based on the works of Erik Peterson, Yves Congar and Joseph Ratzinger, and relying primarily on the theology of Origen and the Pastor of Hermas, the article examines first the birth of paganism at Babel, then the role of the national angels in the emergence of idolatry, finally the role of the Church as the "third race" uniting once again mankind under the name of Christ, showing Pentecost to be the reverse of Babel.


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Department of Medieval Studies