Digitális transzformáció a mezőgazdaságban

TitleDigitális transzformáció a mezőgazdaságban
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsBőgel, György
Journal titleMagyar Tudomány

Diffusion of technology innovation is an important subject of economics. We focus on information and communication technology in this study and analyze how Big Data transforms agriculture. Our approach is not technical but managerial paying special attention to decision-making. The study describes how the development of computers and other electronic tools generated favorable conditions for the diffusion of precision solutions in the sector, what kind of results could be observed in the last decades of the 20th century, and how the Big Data phenomenon launched a new wave of innovation at the beginning of the 21st. We separate the main phases of agriculture’s digital transformation, analyze key trends and developments, discuss the factors influencing the diffusion of digital technologies, and what stakeholders must do for better and faster adaptation. The importance of further research in the field of digital farming and the social consequences of digital transformation is highlighted at the end.

LanguageHungarian (magyar)
Publisher linkhttp://www.matud.iif.hu/
Department of Economics and Business