Prof. Aleh Cherp leads a new project on the Politics of Energy Transitions

Prof. Aleh Cherp leads a new project on the Politics of Energy Transitions supported by the International Social Sciences Council’s Transformation to Sustainability Program as part of the Future Earth initiative. It  aims to establish a knowledge network on the political economy of energy transitions connecting energy-modellers (especially those who analyze global energy and climate scenarios) with scholars of technology transitions and with political scientists interested in governance of energy systems. The aim of the network is to address cross-disciplinary research questions, for example, the interaction between the global climate agenda and national energy goals and comparative political economy of various energy technologies and also to support learning by industry and policy makers. The first project meeting will take place at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest on February 12-13, 2014 and attended by scholars with different backgrounds from Europe, the US, India and China.