Publications of Julia Iwinska

Matei L. Addressing challenges in higher education in the countries of Eastern Central Europe. In: Beracs J, Iwinska J, Kovats G, Matei L, editors. Central European Higher Education Cooperation Proceedings. Vol 12. Budapest: Corvinus University Digital Press; 2015. p. 40-8. (CIHES Working Papers; vol 12). Abstract

Addressing challenges in higher education in the countries of Eastern Central Europe

The countries of Eastern Central Europe are often considered to share important similarities in many areas, including higher education, to the point of representing a distinctive region on the global map. To date, however, there is no consistent corpus of research available that would expound what these similarities are about exactly, what is their origin, or their relevance for the efforts to advance higher education in the respective countries. This paper is intended to make a contribution both in a theoretical order, by identifying and scrutinizing briefly some of the key conceptual elements that could help understand whether it is legitimate and useful to talk about Eastern Central Europe as a “region”, and also in a practical, policy perspective, by raising questions and putting forward recommendations regarding how to address challenges in higher education in this part of the world. The paper focuses on the following questions: What justifies a discussion about Eastern Central Europe as a region? Are there common challenges in higher education throughout the region at present? What are they and how could they be addressed?

Central European Higher Education Cooperation Conference Proceedings. Vol 12. Beracs J, Iwinska J, Kovats G, Matei L, editors. Budapest: Corvinus University Digital Press; 2015. (CIHES Working Papers; vol 12).