Publications of Iwinska, J.

Matei L, Iwinska J. National Strategies and Practices in Internationalisation of Higher Education: Lessons from a Cross-Country Comparison. In: Curaj A, Deca L, Egron-Polak E, Salmi J, editors. Higher Education Reforms in Romania Between the Bologna Process and National Challenges . New York: Springer; 2015. p. 205-27.
Matei L, Iwinska J, Craciun D. Patterns of Funding the Internationalisation of Higher Education. A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Internationalisation. In: Curaj A, Matei L, Pricopie R, Salmi J, Scott P, editors. The European Higher Education Area: Between critical reflections and future policies. Vol I. Heilderberg, New York, London: Springer International Publishing; 2015. p. 213-28.