Publications of Kim, Y.

Confucianism and Coalition Politics: Is Political Behavior in South Korea Irrational?

This paper examines the extent to which rational choice and culture can be accommodated in explanations of political behavior and party politics in non- western settings. It discusses the case of coalition politics in post-democratization South Korea. By looking at how Confucian political culture provides the environment in which political actors devise strategies in accordance with the prevailing cultural norms, continuous party switching and defection no longer appear irrational, but represent a way to secure positions and interests for the political actors and the voters on whose loyalty they depend.

Intra-Party Politics and Minority Coalition Government in South Korea

This paper examines the internal dynamics of Korean political parties to understand why the minority coalition government of Kim Dae-jung suffered from political stalemate or deadlocks in the legislature. It shows that a focus on the size of the government in terms of a majority status in the legislature does not offer a convincing explanation of why the Kim Dae-jung administration slid towards ungovernability. Instead better insights come from an analysis of party organization, an aspect of party politics rarely examined through in-depth analysis. The paper shows that in terms of the key dimensions of organization (leadership type, factionalism, funding, linkage role) Korean political parties fail to connect citizens to the political system.