Citizens and the European Polity. Mass Attitudes Towards the European and National Polities. Sanders D, Magalhaes P, Tóka G, editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012.
Introduction: Citizens and the European Polity. In: Sanders D, Magalhaes P, Tóka G, editors. Citizens and the European Polity. Mass Attitudes Towards the European and National Polities. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012. p. 1-9.
Support for European Integration. In: Sanders D, Magalhaes P, Tóka G, editors. Citizens and the European Polity. Mass Attitudes Towards the European and National Polities. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012. p. 169-212.
Summary and Conclusions: Europe in Equilibrium - Unresponsive Inertia or Vibrant Resilience? In: Sanders D, Magalhaes P, Tóka G, editors. Citizens and the European Polity. Mass Attitudes Towards the European and National Polities. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012. p. 245-70.