Publications of Michael LaBelle

Vorsatz DU, Petrichenko K, Antal M, Staniec M, LaBelle M, Ozden E, et al. Best Practice Policies for Low Carbon & Energy Buildings Based on Scenario Analysis. Extended Summary.. Network GBP, editor. Paris and Budapest: Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP) and Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN); 2012.
Ürge-Vorsatz D, Petrichenko K, Antal M, Staniec M, LaBelle M, Ozden E, et al. Best Practice Policies for Low Carbon & Energy Buildings Based on Scenario Analysis. Full report.. Network GBP, editor. Paris and Budapest: Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP) of CEU and Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN); 2012.
Ürge-Vorsatz D, Petrichenko K, Antal M, Staniec M, LaBelle M. Best Practice Policies for Low Carbon & Energy Buildings Based on Scenario Analysis. Executive Summary.. Paris and Budapest: Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP) and Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN); 2012.