Publications of Lagutov, V

Application Of Soil And Water Assessment Tool In Sustainable Water Management In The Azov Sea Basin

The Azov Sea Basin plays important role in the region providing local population and national economies with numerous water-related services. Unsustainable water and land use management practices considerably decreased the capacity of the Basin to maintain these services. This study investigated the change of inflow into the Tsimlyansk reservoir, the largest freshwater body in the Azov Sea Basin, under different scenarios. The Soil and Water Assessment tool (SWAT) has been used to model streamflow change. Four scenarios of potential regional development have been analyzed. It was found that the water inflow into the reservoir will be significantly reduced (from 28% to 36%), threatening sustainable water supply and numerous water-dependent activities in the region.

Lagutov V, Lagutov V. The Azov Ecosystem: Resources and Threats. In: Lagutov V, editor. Environmental Security in Watersheds: The Sea of Azov. Springer; 2011. p. 3-63. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security).
Rashleigh B, Lagutov V, Salathe T. Ecosystem Services of Rivers: the Don River (Russian Federation) and the Roanake River (USA). In: Lagutov V, editor. Environmental Security in Watersheds: The Sea of Azov. 1st ed. Springer; 2011. p. 63-77. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security).
Lagutov V, Lehmann A, Balint G. The enviroGRIDS project: bringing GEOSS into practice in the Black Sea Basin. In: XXVTH Conference of the Danubian Countries on the hydrological forecasting and hydrological bases of water management. Budapest: VITUKI; 2011.
Lagutov V. Sustainable transboundary watershed management: the Ural River case. In: World Water Week. Stockholm: Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI; 2009.
Lagutov V. Challenges for collection of environmental information and management in the Ural basin and the perspectives for satellite technologies usage. In: Advanced Research Workshop “Using Satellite and In situ Data to Improve Sustainability”. Kyiv, Ukraine; 2009.
Lagutov V. Sustainable Development Of Watersheds: Using Sturgeon Species as an Indicator In Integrated Trans- Boundary Water Management In The Ural River Basin. In: Gönenç İE, Vadineanu A, Wolflin JP, Russo R, editors. Sustainable Use and Development of Watersheds. London: Springer; 2008. p. 263-88. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security).
Lagutov V, Lagutov V. The Ural River Sturgeons: Population Dynamics, Catch, Reasons for Decline and Restoration Strategies. In: Lagutov V, editor. Rescue of Sturgeon Species in the Ural River Basin. Dordrecht: Springer; 2008. p. 193-276. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: Environmental Security).
Lagutov V, Lagutov V. River Rehabilitation: A New Approach to the Design of Fish Passes through Dams. In: Lagutov V, editor. Rescue of Sturgeon Species in the Ural River Basin. Dordrecht: Springer; 2008. p. 111-23. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: Environmental Security).
Lagutov V, Lagutov V. Establishment of the International Ural Sturgeon Park to Secure Sturgeon Conservation and to Facilitate Sustainable Integrated Water Management. In: Lagutov V, editor. Rescue of Sturgeon Species in the Ural River Basin. Dordrecht: Springer; 2008. p. 301-23. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: Environmental Security).
Lagutov V. The Ural River Basin: Hydrology, Characteristics and Water Use. In: Lagutov V, editor. Rescue of Sturgeon Species in the Ural River Basin. Dordrecht: Springer; 2008. p. 193-276. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: Environmental Security).
Lagutov V. Community-based conservation of the Ural Sturgeon. In: 4th ECRR International Conference on RIver Restoration. Venice: European Centre for River Restoration ; 2008.
Lagutov V. Simulation Model of Sturgeon Population: the Don River. In: First European Conference on Ecological Modelling . Pula; 1997.