Publications of Diane Stone

Zentai V. National Roma Inclusion Policies in Central and Eastern Europe: Diverging Learning Paths with Residual Outcomes. In: Batory A, Cartwright A, Stone D, editors. Policy Experiments, Failures and Innovations: Beyond Accession In Central and Eastern Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing; in press/forthcoming.
Krizsan A. Translating Domestic violence norms in five countries of East Central Europe. In: Batory A, Cartwright A, Stone D, editors. Policy Experiments, Failures and Innovations Beyond Accession in Central and Eastern Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing; 2018. p. 66-87. (New Horizons in Public Policy). Abstract

Translating Domestic violence norms in five countries of East Central Europe

This chapter looks at norms translation processes in the field of domestic violence. Using data from five countries of East Central Europe (ECE): Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania, proposes a multi-pronged cross-directional international influence model that challenges traditional top down understandings of international influence. I argue that international influence is not direct, linear and top-down but constructed and negotiated in processes of interaction between international actors and domestic agents, where translation processes influence the direction of policy change. International influence provides content to reforms through defining, communicating and monitoring norms, and through facilitating the production of evidence for domestic violence as a policy problem. In order to understand the nature of international influence, we have to look beyond norms transfer at two additional mechanisms through which it impacts domestic policy processes. First, international influence can create ‘political opportunities’ to enable domestic mobilization for policy change. Second, domestic agents are key in translation of international norms. Enabling such agency becomes critical in processes of norms translation. The chapter shows how international influence understood along these lines contributes to variation in policy progress achieved in different contexts.

Stone D. ‘Transfer and Translation of Policy’. Policy Studies 10.1080/01442872.2012.695933. 2012;33(4):1-17.
Stone D. Knowledge Networks and Transnational Policy Processes. In: Papanagnou G, editor. Social Science and Policy Challenges: Democracy, Values and Capacities. Paris: UNESCO; 2011. p. 181-204. (Research & policy series).
Stone D. An American University in Europe: Philanthropy and Policy Studies at the Central European University . In: Halvorsen T, Nyhagen A, editors. Academic identities - academic challenges? American and European experience of the transformation of higher education. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press; 2011.

The ASEAN-ISIS Policy Network: Interpretative Communities, Informal Diplomacy and Discourses of Region

A network of think tanks—the ASEAN-Institutes of Strategic and International Studies and their researchers—have played a proactive and sometimes influential role in regional debates on Asian economic integration and security cooperation through informal diplomacy. This paper contributes to the literature on knowledge utilisation, specifically debates on the role of policy research institutes in policy-making. Paying attention to the debates and research on economic and security cooperation which preceded attempts at institutionalisation drives analytical attention to scholars, think tanks and others in the ‘interpretive community’ who were engaged in a long term learning activity to shape domestic and regional agendas and institutionalise discourses of regional cooperation.

Krizsan A, Zentai V. From Civil Society to Policy Research. The Case of the Soros Network and Its Roma Policies. In: Stone D, Maxwell S, editors. Bridges Across Boundaries: Global Knowledge Networks and International Development. London and New York: Routledge; 2004. p. 168-84.