Publications of Bönker, F.

Csaba L. Europaeisierung und Steuerpolitik. In: Wielgohs J, Bönker F, editors. Postsozialistische Transformation und europäische (Des-)Integration : Bilanz und Perspektiven. Marburg: Metropolis; 2008. p. 211-219.
Greskovits B. The Path-Dependence of Transitology. In: Bönker F, Müller K, Pickel A, editors. Postcommunist Transformation and the Social Sciences: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield; 2002. p. 219-47.
Csaba L. Transformations as a Subject of Economic Thought. In: Bönker F, Müller K, Pickel A, editors. Postcommunist Transformation and the Social Sciences: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield; 2002. p. 13-47.