Publications of Melamed, A.

Wilke C. The soul is a foreign woman : otherness and psychological allegory in Biblical exegesis from the Zohar to Hasidism. In: Schwartz BJ, Melamed A, Shemesh A, editors. ha-Miḳra ṿe-ʻolamo, sifrut Ḥazal u-mishpaṭ ʻIvri u-maḥshevet Yiśraʼel. Vol 1. Yerushalayim: ha-Igud ha-ʿOlami le-Madʿe ha-Yahadut; 2008. p. 129-39. (Igud : Mivḥar maʾamarim be-madʿe ha-Yahadut; vol 1).