Publications of Robinson, H.

Robinson H, Dainton B. Analytic philosophy of mind. In: Robinson H, Dainton B, editors. The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy. Bloomsbury Companions ed. London: Bloomsbury 3PL; 2014. (56).
Robinson H, Dainton B. What is analytic philosophy? In: Robinson H, Dainton B, editors. The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury 3PL; 2014. (Bloomsbury Companions).
Robinson H. Analytic versus continental’ . In: Robinson H, Dainton B, editors. The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury 3PL; 2014. (Bloomsbury Companions).
Robinson H. Naturalism and the unavoidability of the Cartesian perspective. In: Robinson H, Lavazza A, editors. Contemporary Dualism, A Defense. London: Routledge; 2013. p. 154-70. (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy).
Robinson H. Substance dualism and its rationale. In: Swinburne R, editor. Free Will and Modern Science,. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012. p. 158-77.
Robinson H. Qualia, Qualities and our Conception of the Physical World. In: Goecke B, editor. The Case for Dualism . Notre Dame Press; 2012. p. 231-63.
Robinson H. Varieties of the ontological argument. European Journal of the Philosophy of Religion. 2012;4(2):41-64.
Robinson H. Two Berkelian arguments about the nature of space. In: Airaksinen T, Belfrage B, editors. Berkeley’s lasting legacy: three hundred years later. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press; 2011. p. 79-90.
Robinson H. Benacerraf's problem, abstract objects and intellect. In: Simonyi A, Novák Z, editors. Truth, Reference and Realism. Budapest: CEU Press; 2011. p. 235-62 .
Robinson H. Idealism. In: McLaughlin B, Beckermann A, Walter S, editors. The Oxford Handbook to the Philosophy of Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2009. p. 186-205.
Robinson H. Reductionism . In: Simons P, LePoidevin P, editors. The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics. New York: Routledge; 2009. p. 527-36.
Robinson H. Vagueness, Realism, Language and Thought. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 2009;CIX:83-101.
Robinson H. Why phenomenal content is not intentional. European Journal of Analytic Philosophy. 2009;5(2):79-93.
Robinson H. Quality, thought and consciousness. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement. 2009;67:203-16.
Robinson H. Why Frank should not have jilted Mary. In: Wright EL, editor. The case for qualia. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press; 2008. p. 223-47.
Robinson H. "Reductionism and Emergence". In: Le Poidevin R, editor. The Routledge companion to metaphysics. London: Routledge; 2008. (Routledge philosophy companions).
Robinson H. Can we make sense of the idea that God’s existence is identical to His essence? In: Stone M, editor. Reason, Faith and History: Essays for Paul Helm. London: Ashgate ; 2008. p. 127-45.

Book Review: A. D. Smith: The Problem of Perception

The article reviews the book " The Problem of Perception," by A. D. Smith.

Robinson H. Personal identity, the self, and time. In: Batthyany A, Elitzur AC, editors. Mind and its place in the world : non-reductionist approaches to the ontology of consciousness. Frankfurt: Ontos; 2006. (Phenomenology & mind, Bd. 7).
Robinson H. Sense-data, intentionality and common-sense. In: Forrai G, Kampis G, editors. Intentionality: past and future. Amsterdam: Rodopi; 2005. p. 79-89.
Robinson H. "Substance". In: E. Z, editor. The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.; 2005.
Robinson H. Dennett and the knowledge argument. In: Ludlow P, Nagasawa Y, Stoljar D, editors. There's something about Mary : essays on phenomenal consciousness and Frank Jackson's knowledge argument. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press; 2004. p. 69-73.
Robinson H. "Dualism". In: Stich SP, Warfield TA, editors. The Blackwell guide to philosophy of mind. Malden, MA: Blackwell; 2003. p. 85-101. (Blackwell philosophy guides, 10).
Robinson H. "The ontology of the mental". In: Loux MJ, Zimmerman DW, editors. The Oxford handbook of metaphysics. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press; 2003. p. 527-55.
Robinson H. "Dualism". In: E. Z, editor. The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.; 2003.

Some externalist strategies and their problems

I claim that there are four major strands of argument for externalism and set out to discuss three of them. The four are: (A) That referential thoughts are object-dependent. This I do not discuss. (B) That the semantics of natural kind terms is externalist. (C) That all semantic content, even of descriptive terms, stems from the causal relations of representations to the things or properties they designate in the external world. (D) That, because meaning is a social product and no individual can capture the whole social practice that defines a concept, what the speaker means always outruns what he can know. I briefly discuss (C) and (D) and conclude that they cannot be correct, because, if they were, the content of every thought would permanently transcend the reflective grasp of all thinkers. Then I discuss (B) and conclude that, though Putnam shows something interesting about natural kind terms-namely that a real verbal definition requires science-this has none of the consequences for philosophy of mind that it is normally supposed to have.

Robinson H. Két berkeleyánus érv a tér természetéről. In: Boros G, editor. Ész és szenvedély : filozófiai tanulmányok a XVII-XVIII. szazadról. Budapest: Áron Kiadó; 2002. p. 399-412.
Robinson H. Davidson and non-reductive physicalism: a tale of two cultures. In: Gillett C, Loewer B, editors. Physicalism and its discontents. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press; 2001. p. 129-51.
Robinson H. "Berkeley". In: Bunnin N, Tsui-James EP, editors. The Blackwell companion to philosophy. Oxford; Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers; 1999.
Robinson H. Materialism in the philosophy of mind. In: Magee B, Craig E, editors. The Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.; 1998. p. 173-8.

Problems with the combinatorial theory of possibility

Armstrong's combinatorial theory of possibility faces a number of insuperable objections. In order to construct non-actual possible worlds from actual elements they must be fictionally recombined. I make three criticisms of Armstrong's reliance on fiction. First, fiction makes combinatorialism redundant. Second, fictionalism makes possibility insufficiently real. Third, Armstrong cannot provide an account of fiction within his own system that does not rely on possibility, mainly because of the essential role of dispositions in his theory of mind and, therefore, his theory of meaning. I continue by showing why possibilities cannot be confined to recombinations of actual elements, and suggest a somewhat neo-platonic theory of possibility that overcomes these problems.

Robinson H. Representing one world: the unity of science and realism in the special sciences. In: Forrai G, editor. Images and reality : proceedings of the 1996 Miskolc Conference. Miskolc: [s.n.]; 1997. p. 117-25.
Berkeley G. Principles of human knowledge and Three dialogues. Robinson H, editor. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press; 1996.
Robinson H. Perception. London ; New York: Routledge; 1994.
Objections to physicalism. Robinson H, editor. Oxford; New York: Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press; 1993.
Robinson H. Physicalism, Externalism and Perceptual Representation. In: Wright E, editor. New representationalisms : essays in the philosophy of perception. Aldershot u.a: Avebury; 1993. p. 103-14.
Robinson H. Introduction. In: Objections to Physicalism. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1993. p. 1-25.
Robinson H. The Anti‑Materialist Strategy and the "Knowledge Argument. In: Objections to Physicalism. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1993. p. 159-83.
Robinson H. Experience and Externalism: A Reply to Peter Smith. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 1992;92:221-3.
Robinson H. Form and the Immateriality of the Intellect from Aristotle to Aquinas'. In: Aristotle and the Later Tradition: Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1991. p. 207-26.
Robinson H. The Flight from Mind. In: Tallis R, editor. The Pursuit of Mind. Manchester: Carcanet Press; 1991. p. 9-25.
Robinson H. A Dualist Account of Embodiment. In: Smythies JR, Beloff J, editors. The Case for dualism. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia; 1989. p. 43-57.

A Dilemma for Physicalism (Structural and Functional Criteria for the Identity of Mental States)

The author shows, through various thought experiments, that the functionalist theory of the (according to which mental states are classed according to their structural or functional roles) as well as any form of materialism, are unable to account for sensations and for subjective and phenomenal qualities of mental experience.

Robinson H. A Dualist Perspective on Psychological Development. In: Russell JA, editor. Philosophical perspectives on developmental psychology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell; 1987. p. 119-39.
Robinson H. The Myth of Matter. Fundamenta Scientiae. 1987;(7):323-32.
Robinson H, Foster J. Essays on Berkeley : a tercentennial celebration. Oxford New York: Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press; 1985.
Robinson H. The General Form of the Argument for Berkelian Idealism. In: Foster J, editor. Essays on Berkeley: a Tercentennial Celebration. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1985. p. 163-86.
Robinson H. Aristotelian dualism. In: J. A, editor. Oxford studies in ancient philosophy. Vol 1. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1983. p. 123-44.
Robinson H. "The mind‑body problem". In: Harre R, Lamb R, editors. The Encyclopedic dictionary of psychology. Oxford: Blackwell Reference; 1983. p. 395-7.
Robinson H. Matter and sense : a critique of contemporary materialism. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York: Cambridge University Press; 1982.
Robinson H. Is Hare a Naturalist? The Philosophical Review. 1982;91(1):73-86.
Robinson H. Mind and Body in Aristotle. The Classical Quarterly. 1978;28(1):105-24.
Robinson H. The Mind-Body Problem in Contemporary Philosophy. Zygon. Journal of Religion and Science. 1976;11(4):346-60.