Publications of Kovács, É.

Politikai pártok megnyilvánulásai a sajtóban a taxisblokád idején

The Political Parties in the Media during the Taxi Drivers' BlockadePolitical party media statements regarding the taxi drivers' blockade of Oct 1990, during which taxi drivers & transporters blocked the primary traffic crossings in Hungary, are examined. On the surface the blockade appeared largely a matter of self-interest, precipitated by drastic increases in petrol prices. However, the civil disobedience found widespread support & was likely symptomatic of growing general unrest about the direction of changes in the political system, the new political elite, & emerging party pluralism. The Hungarian political parties' attribution of responsibility for the crisis, classification of the movement, attitudes toward violent government response to the blockade, proposed solutions, & lesson learned from the crisis are discussed. 6 Tables. Adapted from the source document.

Bak JM. Der Reichsapfel. In: F. F, Kovács É, Lovag Z, editors. Studien zur Machtsymbolik des mittelalterlichen Ungarn. Vol 1. Budapest: Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum; 1983. p. 185-94. (Insignia Regni Hungariae; vol 1).