Publications of Karády, V.

Kovács MM. The numerus clausus law in Hungary, 1919-1945. In: Kovács MM, Karády V, editors. The Hungarian numerus clausus law and academic anti-Semitism in interwar Central Europe in Europe. Budapest: Pasts Inc., CEU; 2011.
Kovács MM, Karády V. The Hungarian Numerus Clausus Law and Academic Anti-Semitism in Interwar Central Europe. Research Reports, Studies and Documents in East-Central European Social History. 2011.
Kovács MM. Lawyers against the current anti-Semitism and liberal response in interwar Hungary. In: Don Y, Karády V, editors. A social and economic history of Central European Jewry. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers; 1990. p. 249-56.
Kovács MM. Hungarian women entering the professions : feminist pressures from left to right. In: Karády V, Mitter W, editors. Bildungswesen und Sozialstruktur in Mitteleuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Vol 42. Köln: Böhlau; 1990. p. 247-57. (Studien und Dokumentationen zur vergleichenden Bildungsforschung; vol 42).