Publications of Miller, M.

Miller M. Numerus clausus Exiles: Hungarian Jewish Students in Inter-War Berlin. In: Karady V, Nagy PT, editors. The Numerus clausus in Hungary: Studies on the First Anti-Jewish Law and Academic Anti-Semitism in Modern Central Europe. Budapest: Pasts Inc. Centre for Historical Research; 2012. p. 206-18. (Research Reports on Central European History).
Jewish Studies at the CEU. Vol 5. Kovács A, Miller M, editors. Budapest: Central European University. Jewish Studies Project; 2009.
Kovács A, Miller M. Introduction. In: Jewish Studies at the Central European University, 2005-2007. Budapest: Central European University. Jewish Studies Project; 2009. p. 1-4.
Miller M. From White Terror to Red Vienna : Hungarian Jewish Students in Interwar Austria. In: Stern F, Eichinger B, editors. Wien und die jüdische Erfahrung 1900-1938 : Akkulturation, Antisemitismus, Zionismus. Wien: Böhlau; 2009. p. 307-24.

A Monumental Debate in Budapest : The Hentzi Statue and the Limits of Austro-Hungarian Reconciliation, 1852–1918

Two of the most iconic photosof the 1956 Hungarian revolution involve a colossal statue of Stalin, erected in 1951 and toppled on the first day of the anti-Soviet uprising. One of these pictures shows Stalin's decapitated head, abandoned in the street as curious pedestrians amble by. The other shows a tall stone pedestal with nothing on it but a lonely pair of bronze boots. Situated near Heroes' Square, Hungary's national pantheon, the Stalin statue had served as a symbol of Hungary's subjugation to the Soviet Union; and its ceremonious and deliberate destruction provided a poignant symbol for the fall of Stalinism.

Kovács A. Introduction and Documents on Hungarian-Israeli Relations 1957-1969. Kovács A, Miller M, editors. Budapest: Central European University. Jewish Studies Project; 2009.
Miller M. Boskovice. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 1. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. 220.
Miller M. Brno. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 1. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. 238.
Miller M. Brüll, Jacob. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 1. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. p. 249-50.
Miller M. Donath, Adolph. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 1. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. p. 416-7.
Miller M. Donath, Oskar. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 1. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. 417.
Miller M. Fassel, Hirsch Bär. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 1. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. 502.
Miller M. Frankl-Grün, Adolph. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 1. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. p. 544-5.
Miller M. Jihlava. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 1. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. 830.
Miller M. Kaufmann, David. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 1. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. p. 874-5.
Miller M. Mikulov. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 2. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. p. 1169-70.
Miller M. Neuda, Abraham. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 2. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. p. 1258-9.
Miller M. Ostrava. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 2. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. 1299.
Miller M. Prostĕjov. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 2. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. p. 1477-8.
Miller M. Trebitsch, Nehemyah Nahum. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 2. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. 1905.
Miller M. Ukerský Brod. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 2. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. 1929.
Miller M. Weiss, Yitshak Hirsch. In: Hundert GD, editor. The YIVO encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Vol 2. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2008. 2019.

Crisis of Rabbinical Authority : Nehemias Trebitsch as Moravian Chief Rabbi, 1832-1842

This article will examine Nehemias Trebitsch’s tenure as Moravian Chief Rabbi (1832–1842), placing particular emphasis on the string of bitter and protracted conflicts that “made him many enemies” among the Jewish population in Moravia. For the most part, these conflicts were initiated by Nehemias Trebitsch, who sought to use his authority as Chief Rabbi to keep reform-minded rabbis out of the fifty-two Moravian Jewish communities under his purview. From the beginning of his tenure as Chief Rabbi, he continuously tried to shore up his authority over the religious and educational affairs of Moravian Jewry, but his attempts repeatedly backfired. As it turned out, his diplomatic skills did not even approach the level of his Talmudic erudition.

A nikolsburgi zsidó temetõ : az „ir vaem bejisrael” végsõ temetése

The Jewish Cemetery at Nikolsburg: A Final Burial of ”ir vaem bejisrael”.

Book review : Czech Holocaust or Holocaust in the Czech Lands?

This article reviews the book "The Jews of Bohemia and Moravia : Facing theHolocaust" by Livia Rothkirchen.

Jewish Studies at the CEU. Vol 4. Kovács A, Miller M, editors. Budapest: Central European University. Jewish Studies Program; 2006.
Kovács A, Miller M. Introduction. In: Kovács A, Andor E, editors. Jewish Studies at the Central European University, 2003-2005. Budapest: Central European University. Jewish Studies Program; 2006. p. 1-4.
Kovács MM. The Case of the Teleki Statue : New Debates on the History of the Numerus Clausus in Hungary. In: Kovács A, Miller M, editors. Jewish Studies at the Central European University, 2003-2005. Vol 4. Budapest: Central European University. Jewish Studies Program; 2006. p. 191-208. (Jewish Studies at the CEU; vol 4).
Miller M. Voice and Vulnerability : The Vagaries of Jewish National Identity in Habsburg Moravia. In: Diner D, editor. Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts. Vol 5. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht; 2006. p. 159-71.

„A numerus clausus száműzöttjei” a berlini felsőoktatási intézetekben 1920 és 1933 között

“The Fugitives of Numerus Clausus” at the Institutes of Higher Educations in Berlin between 1920 and 1933.

Book review : Ghetto Clearance in Prague

This article reviews the book "Tearing Down Prague’s Jewish Town: Ghetto Clearance and the Legacy of Middle-Class Ethnic Politics around 1900" by Cathleen M. Giustino.

Miller M. Biographisches Handbuch der Rabbiner : Die Rabbiner der Emanzipazionszeit in den deutschen, böhmischen und grosspolnischen Ländern, 1781-1871. In: Brocke M, Carlebach J, editors. Biographisches Handbuch der Rabbiner : Die Rabbiner der Emanzipazionszeit in den deutschen, böhmischen und grosspolnischen Ländern, 1781-1871. Vol 1. München: Saur; 2004.
Miller M. Reluctant Kingmakers : Moravian Jewish Politics in Late Imperial Austria. In: Kovács A, Andor E, editors. Jewish Studies at the Central European University : public lectures, 2002-2003. Vol 3. Budapest: Central European University. Jewish Studies Program; 2004. p. 111-23. (Jewish Studies at the CEU; vol 3).

Book review : Zionism in Hungary

This article reviews the book "Die Anfänge des Zionismus in Ungarn (1897–1904)" by Peter Haber.

Miller M. Die Nationalgarde 1848 : Grenzen der Emanzipation. In: Kordiovský E, editor. Moravští židé v rakousko-uherské monarchii (1780-1918) : XXVI. mikulovské sympozium, 24. – 25. října 2000 = Mährische Juden in der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie (1780-1918) : XXVI. nikolsburger Symposium, 24. – 25. Oktober 2000. Mikulov: Státní okresní archiv Břeclav; 2003. p. 151-9.
Miller M. Samson Raphael Hirsch and the Revolution of 1848. In: Kovács A, Andor E, editors. Jewish Studies at the Central European University, 1999-2001. Vol 2. Budapest: Central European University. Jewish Studies Program; 2002. p. 223-38. (Jewish Studies at the CEU; vol 2).
Miller M. Mähren. In: Kotowski EV, Schoeps JH, Wallenborn H, editors. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Juden in Europa. Darmstadt: Primus Verlag; 2001. p. 112-23.