Conversations with a Polish populist : Tracing hidden histories of globalization, class, and dispossession in postsocialism (and beyond)
Building on the work of Jonathan Friedman and of Andre Gingrich and Marcus Banks, I explain the rise of populist, neonationalist sensibilities in Poland as a set of defensive responses by working-class people to the silences imposed by liberal rule. I trace in detail a sequence of all-around dispossessions experienced by Polish working-class sodalities since 1989, when activists with substantial legitimacy among organized workers had claimed de facto and de jure control over assets crucial for working-class reproduction. “Democratization” and “markets” were shrewd legal ways by which the new liberal capitalist state reappropriated and recentralized those assets from local constituencies. Meanwhile, the reputation of workers, whose fights with the party-state had been essential for regaining national sovereignty and establishing parliamentary democracy, was systematically annihilated in the public sphere by discourses of “internal orientalism
Political Sociology Meets Anthropology in the Defeat of Solidarity
This article reviews the book The Defeat of Solidarity by David Ost.
Comment on "The Project in the Model : Reciprocity, Social Capital, and the Politics of Ethnographic Realism" by Susana Narotzky
This article is a comment on The Project in the Model Reciprocity, Social Capital, and the Politics of Ethnographic Realism by Susana Narotzky.
Cesta do post-kolonie: proč nás folkloristika nezachrání
English title: The Path to the Post-Colony: why folklore won’t save us
The New Eldorado in Romania : The State and the World Bank against Local Development
Don Kalb looks at the resistance of local Romanian communitites to the Rossia Montana venture and how it is failing to promote sustainable private sector investment but rather endanger people's lives and the environment they depend on.
Book Review: Stones through the Window
Civilizing Globalization: A Survival Guide. Richard Sandbrook, ed. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2003. 279 pp.Globalization, the State, and Violence. Jonathan Friedman, ed. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2003. 389 pp.
From Flows to Violence : Politics and Knowledge in the debates on globalization and empire
Recent globalization theory reflected a chain of world historical events since the end of the Cold War. Globalization theories were tools for the making of political alliances between market liberals and political liberals. From the mid-1990s a broad range of institutionalist social science programs showed that globalization outcomes were often better explained by institutional logics (including cultural ones) than by global flows per se. This is, among others, illustrated by the debate on global inequality data. The emerging debate on empire and imperalism is discussed as a logical offshoot of the globalization discussion just as the phenomenon itself is seen as a likely outcome of an epoch of market-driven globalization. Globalization was predicated on the emergence of a US-led transnational western state structure on behalf of the transnational capitalist class based in finance and the large corporations. Territory and space have become more important rather than less, but the explanation of regional trajectories must now be located more firmly in the interaction between local and global structures. This leads to a new agenda in the social sciences: one oriented toward common interdisciplinary programs with a limited range of core questions – about state formations, class formations, mobilizations, claim making, and associated cultural processes. Programs should be more theory driven, comparative, and in search of explanations of divergent spatial and temporal outcomes of universal process.
Globalization and development : themes and concepts in current research
This book is a collective effort on the part of researchers affiliated with the CERES Research School in Development Studies in the Netherlands to discuss a series of themes and concepts crucial to the overlapping fields of globalization and development research. While development in the course of the 1980s and 1990s was becoming hinged onto globalization, prior approaches to development were increasingly being criticized. An impasse was announced by various actors in the field, and renewed reflection on some of the basic concepts and methods became inevitable. Much of the initial rethinking went under the sign of postmodernism and tended to give priority to micro- and actor-centered research. Later, with the emerging discussion on globalization, new macro dimensions were added, and efforts were launched to articulate local/global approaches. This book discusses a set of key themes and concepts that reflect these intellectual and historical developments. Used by politicians and researchers, they reflect the continuing concern about inequality and poverty by students and practitioners of development, and contain crucial perspectives for a critical engagement of current globalization processes and their consequences. The chapters in this book examine the notions and issues of globalization, livelihood, identity, governance, transnationalism, and knowledge.
Book review
This article reviews the book "The Anthropology of Globalization : Cultural Anthropology Enters the 21st Century" by Ted C. Lewellen.
Economische herstructurering en lokale gevolgen. Drents Dorp, Eindhoven : industrialisering en de-industrialisering op buurtniveau
Les études récentes de sociologie urbaine s'inspirent de la recherche sur la « restructuration économique ». Cet article présent l'étude d'un cas hollandais concernant la dé-insdustrialisation et la culture de la classe ouvrière. Les AA. tentent de dessiner la particularité de la situation hollandaise et proposent une contribution à la théorie des conséquences locales de la restructuration économique. Etude de l'implantation à Drents Dorp, Eindhoven (Sud des Pays-Bas), du géant de l'électronique, Philips. De nombreux migrants en provenance du Nord du pays ont été logés à Drents Dorp par la compagnie Philips dans les années 20. L'étude du cas de Drents Dorp met en évidence que le débat sur les conséquences locales de la restructuration économique nécessite des spécifications quant aux données socio-historique sur l'emplacement, aux types d'activités économiques objets de la restructuration, ainsi qu'aux amènagements sociaux dans la vie économique locale, consécutifs au dévelopemment économique
Review : Frameworks of Culture and Class in Historical Research
This article reviews 3 works the Visions of the People: Industrial England and the Question of Class, 1840-1914 by Patrick Joyce; Money and Liberty in Modern Europe : A Critique of Historical Understanding by William M. Reddy; and Culture and Class in Anthropology and History: A Newfoundland Illustration by Gerald M. Sider
Book review
This article reviews the book Retreat from the regions :Corporate change and the closure of factories by Fothergill, S and Guy,N
Balans en perspectief van de Nederlandse cultuurgeschiedenis : Fragmenten van vermaak : macht en plezier in moderniserend Nederland
Papers from a conference held Oct. 18-19, 1989, in Utrecht and organized by the Stichting Balans en Perspectief. Cover title: Balans & Perspectief.
Moral Production, Class Capacities, and Communal Commotion : An Illustration from Central Brabant Shoemaking Communities, 1900-1920
Don Kalb analyses the changes taking place in the Brabant shoemaking industry in the early twentieth century in terms of class experience and protest, and the attempts that were made to articulate that experience of the hegemonic processes in play. The shoemakers' critique of the new morality of factory production was hidden within their labour union struggles for trade union recognition. The Catholic labour union's role displayed both the failure of Catholic discourse to articulate the workers' anxieties and the explosive popular action that occurred when the legitimacy of established capital/labour relations was questioned and under stress. Of particular significance was the position taken by the Catholic girls' union in relation to the girls' walk-out at van Schijndel's factory in Waalwijk in 1910, and the contradictions this raised between fathers seeking to provide a docile labour force and concern for the daughters that they brought into the shoe factory as stitchers.