Publications of Choyke, A.

Jaritz G. Oxen and Hogs, Monkeys and Parrots : Using "Familiar" and "Unfamiliar" Fauna in Late Medieval Visual Representation. In: Jaritz G, Choyke A, editors. Animal Diversities. Vol 16. Krems: Medium Aevum Quotidianum; 2005. p. 107-22. (Medium Aevum Quotidianum. Sonderband; vol 16).
Choyke AM. Late Neolithic red deer canine beads and their imitations. In: Choyke A, Bartosiewicz L, editors. Crafting bone : skeletal technologies through time and space. Oxford England: Archaeopress; 2001. p. 251-66. (BAR International Series; no 937).