Publications of Grabowski, R.

Core and periphery in the world economy: an empirical assessment of the integration of the developing countries into the world economy

In this paper a dynamic structural vector-autoregressive model is utilized to analyze the impact of shocks from the developed center (G-7) on the less developed periphery. Three possibilities emerge with less developed nations being negatively dependent on the center, positively integrated with the center, or independent of the center. A less developed country is classified as negatively dependent when shocks from the center have a negative impact and are relatively important in explaining variations in the output of the developing country. A less developed country is positively integrated if the shocks from the center have positive effects and explain a large share of the variation in output in the developing country. The results indicate that from the sample of eighty-six developed countries only five could be considered dependent, while the others are roughly equally divided into those positively integrated and those that are independent.

Economic integration in Central America and the Caribbean

The costliness of economic integration is partly dependent upon whether shocks to regions or groups of nations are symmetric or asymmetric in their impacts. This paper uses a structural vector autoregressive model to determine whether exogenous shocks have symmetric or asymmetric effects for a group of Caribbean and Central American nations. The results indicate that there are likely to be significant costs to extensive economic integration in these regions. There is support for integration encompassing limited combinations of countries.

Horváth J, Grabowski R. An empirical analysis of dependency and development: an alternative perspective. Carbondale, Ill.: Department of Economics Southern Illinois University; 1996.