Publications of Uitz, R.

Bárd K. Victim's Rights and Due Process. In: Uitz R, editor. Freedom and Its enemies. Hague: Eleven international publishing; 2015. p. 189-205.
Constitutional Topography: Values and Constitutions. Sajó A, Uitz R, editors. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing; 2010.
Uitz R. Instead of success : hope for truth – at best. In: Jambrek P, editor. Crimes committed by totalitarian regimes. Ljubljana: Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union; 2008.
Uitz R. Communist secret services on the screen : The Duna-gate scandal in and beyond Hungarian media. In: Sarkisova O, Apor P, editors. Past for the eyes : East European representations of communism in cinema and museums after 1989. Budapest: CEU Press; 2008. p. 57-79.
Uitz R. Hungary. In: Meseznikov G, Gyárfásová O, Smilov D, editors. Populist politics and liberal democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs; 2008. p. 39-69.
Uitz R. Europeans and Their Rights. Strasbourg: Council of Europe; 2007.
Uitz R. Constitutional democracy trapped between freedom of expression and freedom of religion : a preface. In: Sajó A, editor. Censorial sensitivities : free speech and religion in a fundamentalist world. Vol 4. Utrecht: Eleven International Publishing; 2007. p. 1-20. (Issues in constitutional law; vol 4).
Uitz R. Az alapjogok horizontális hatályának legújabb reneszánszához. In: Alkotmányosság a magánjogban. Budapest: Complex Kiadó; 2006. p. 43-56.
Uitz R. EU law and the Hungarian Constitutional Court : lessons of the first post-accession encounter. In: Sadurski W, editor. Après 'Enlargement' : legal and political responses in Central and Eastern Europe. Florence: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies; 2006. p. 41-63.
Uitz R. Lessons on limited government, constitutionalism and the rule of law : post-communist democracies trapped between constitutional courts and supreme courts. In: Ergül O, editor. Democracy and the Judiciary. Vol 105. Ankara: Türkiye Barolar Birligi; 2006. p. 229-66. (Union of Turkish Bar Associations publications; vol 105).
Uitz R. Grand promises in the face of high expectations : welfare rights in Hungarian constitutional jurisprudence. In: Re-thinking socio-economic rights in an insecure world. Budapest: CEU Center for Human Rights; 2006. p. 49-80.
Uitz R, Sajó A. Constitutional values in Hungarian constitutional jurisprudence. In: Common legal space of Europe and practice of constitutional justice. Moscow: Institute of Law and Public Policy; 2006. Abstract

Constitutional values in Hungarian constitutional jurisprudence

International Forum on Constitutional Justice ; 9, 2006, Moscow

Uitz R, Sajó A. A case for enforceable constitutional rights? : Welfare rights in Hungarian constitutional jurisprudence. In: Coomans F, editor. Justiciability of economic and social rights : experiences from domestic systems. Antwerpen: Intersentia; 2006. p. 97-128.
Uitz R. Svoboda slova vo vremia izbiratelnykh kampanii. In: Politicheskie prava i svobodnye vybory : sbornik dokladov. Moskva: Institut prava i publichnoi politiki; 2005.
Uitz R. Constitutional courts and the past in democratic transition. In: Czarnota A, Krygier M, Sadurski. W, editors. Rethinking the rule of law after communism. Budapest: CEU Press; 2005. p. 235-62.
Uitz R. Yet another revival of horizontal effect of constitutional rights : why and why now? An introduction. In: Sajó A, Uitz R, editors. The constitution in private relations : expanding constitutionalism. Vol 2. Utrecht: Eleven International Publishing; 2005. p. 1-20. (Issues in constitutional law; vol 2).
Uitz R. Svoboda slova vo vremia izbiratelnykh kampanii. Sravnitelnoe Konstitutsionnoe Obozrenie. 2005;50(1):95-113.
Uitz R. Hungary: mixed prospects for the constitutionalization of gay rights. International Journal of Constitutional Law. 2004;2(4):705-15.

Book review : Az emberi méltósághoz való jog és a magyar demokratikus átmenet

This article reviews the book Importing the Law in Post-communist Transitions / Catherine Dupré ; Oxford, Hart, 2003

Book review : Az emberi jogok egyetemességéről és az önmérsékletről

This article reviews the book: Human rights with modesty : the problem of universalism / edited by András Sajó ; Leiden : M. Nijhoff, 2004

Uitz R. Constitution watch : Hungary. East European Constitutional Review. 2003;12(1):23-7.
Uitz R. Die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe in Ungarn. In: Boulanger C, editor. Zur Aktualität der Todesstrafe : interdisziplinäre und globale Perspektiven. Berlin: Verlag Arno Spitz; 2002. p. 375-405.
Uitz R. Ob otsutstvii opredelennosti v tolkovanii konstitutsii. Konstitutsionnoe pravo : vostochnoevropeiskoe obozrenie. 2002;38(1).
Uitz R. Egyéni jogsérelmek és az alkotmánybíróság. In: Halmai G, editor. A megtalált alkotmány? A magyar alapjogi bíráskodás első kilenc éve. Budapest: INDOK; 2000. p. 186-211.
Uitz R. Instittutsionnaia zashchita konstitutstionnykh prav v Vengrii. In: Konstitutsionnoe pravosudie v postkommunisticheskikh stranakh : sbornik dokladov. Moskva: Institut prava i publichnoi politiki; 1999. p. 223-49.

Book review : Vallásszabadság : útmutató a rendszerváltáshoz

This article reviews the book The law of religious identity : models for post-Communism / edited by András Sajó and Shlomo Avineri ; The Hague : Kluwer Law International, c1998