Publications of Miklós, D.

Demetrovics J, Katona GO, Miklós D. Functional dependencies inpresence of errors. In: Eiter T, Schewe KD, editors. Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems. Vol 2284. Berlin: Springer; 2002. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 2284).
Győri E. Partitions and covers of rectilinear regions. In: Frankl P, Füredi Z, Katona GOH, Miklós D, editors. Extremal problems for finite sets.; 1994. p. 289-304. (Bolyai Society mathematical studies; no 3).
Győri E. Edge disjoint cliques in graphs. In: Halász G, Lovász L, Miklós D, Szőnyi T, editors. Sets, graphs and numbers : a birthday salute to Vera T. Sós and András Hajnal. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1992. p. 357-63. (Colloquia mathematica Societatis János Bolyai; no 60).