Publications of S. Mizobata

Csaba L. Balance Sheet and Perspectives of Eastward Enlargement: A Great Success or the Last Nail in the Coffin of the EU? In: K. Y, Mizobata S, editors. Melting boundaries : institutional transformation in the wider Europe. Kyoto University Press; 2007. p. 43-65. Abstract

Balance Sheet and Perspectives of Eastward Enlargement: A Great Success or the Last Nail in the Coffin of the EU?

The paper examines conditions of enlargement to the East and asks, if, and to what degree, enlargement of a basically unreformed EU has been at the root of the crisis of 2005? Part Two surveys major components of, and eventual “solution” to, this crisis, while Part Three offers potential avenues for a real breakthrough, once the usual extrapolation exercises will be overcome.