External problems for finite sets and convex hulls – A survey

TitleExternal problems for finite sets and convex hulls – A survey
Publication TypeConference Paper
AuthorsKatona, G. O. H.
Pages175 - 185
Conference NameDiscrete Mathematics
ISBN Number0012-365x

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Let F be a family of distinct subsets of an n-element set. Define p(i)(F) (0 less than or equal to i less than or equal to n) as the number of i-element members of F. Consider the profile vectors (p(0)(F),...,p(n)(F)) for all families F belonging to a certain class A (e.g. A can be the class of all families where any two members have a non-empty intersection). Let epsilon(A) denote the set of extreme points of the convex hull of the set of these profile vectors. Results determining epsilon(A) for some classes A are surveyed. Facets and edges of these convex hulls are also described for some A. Connections to the classical extremal problems are shown.