Error-correcting keys in relational databases

TitleError-correcting keys in relational databases
Publication TypeConference Paper
AuthorsDemetrovics, J., G. O. H. Katona, and D. Miklos
Pages88 - 93
Conference NameFoundations of Information and Knowledge Systems
Place of PublicationBerlin
SeriesLecture Notes in Comput. Sci.
ISBN Number0302-97433540671005

Error-correcting keys in relational databases


Suppose that the entries of a relational database are collected in an unreliable way, that is the actual database may differ from the true database in at most one data of each individual. An error-correcting key is such a set of attributes, that the knowledge of the actual data of an individual in this set of attributes uniquely determines the individual. It is showed that if the minimal keys are of size at most ii, then the smallest sizes of the minimal error-correcting keys can be ck(3) and this is the best possible, all minimal error-correcting keys have size at most 3k(3).