Gender equality and family in populist radical right agendas – similarities and differences in European Parliamentary debates 2014.

TitleGender equality and family in populist radical right agendas – similarities and differences in European Parliamentary debates 2014.
Publication TypeBook Chapter
AuthorsKrizsan, Andrea, and Birte Siim
EditorsTrudie, Knijn, and Naldini Manuela
Book TitleGender and Generational Division in EU citizenship
PublisherEdward Elgar
Place of PublicationChetham
Publisher link

The chapter addresses the divergence and convergence of the framings of gender equality in nationalist and nativist discourses in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections. It compares how representatives of populist radical right parties in Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain, frame gender equality and family issues in relation to migration and mobility in their electoral campaigns for the EP and during the first months of the 2014-2018 parliamentary cycle. Gender and family issues are part of the programs, campaigns and statements of the populist radical right, less prominently in the Nordic countries but quite centrally in the East, Central and Southern European countries as well as Germany. The analysis shows how rather than using similar gender and family frames, gender and family issues are instrumentalized to serve various exclusive forms of nationalism, anti-colonialist claims, or nationalist demographic sustainability arguments.

Center for Policy Studies (CPS)
School of Public Policy (SPP)
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations