The European Council and the Council: perspectives on new dynamics in EU governance

TitleThe European Council and the Council: perspectives on new dynamics in EU governance
Publication TypeStudy
AuthorsPuetter, Uwe
Secondary TitleIn-depth analysis for the Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO)
Accession NumberPE 510.004
PublisherEuropean Parliament
Place PublishedBrussels

The European Council and the Council play a central role in policy-making within those new areas of EU activity within which intergovernmental policy coordination prevails over legislative decision-making such economic governance and foreign affairs. The emphasis on decentralised governance implies important changes to institutional design and the practice of inter-institutional relations.

KeywordsCouncil, European Commission, European Council, European Parliament, European Union
Publisher link IPOL_IDA(2015)510004_EN.pdf
Citation Key42949