Faces and Causes of Roma Marginalization: Experiences from Hungary

TitleFaces and Causes of Roma Marginalization: Experiences from Hungary
Publication TypeBook Chapter
AuthorsVaradi, Monika, and Tunde Virag
EditorsSzalai, Julia, and Violetta Zentai
Book TitleFaces and Causes of Roma Marginalization in Local Contexts: Hungary, Romania, Serbia
PublisherCentral European University
Place of PublicationBudapest
SeriesCPS Books
ISBN Number978-963-89822-8-5

The "Faces and Causes of Roma Marginalization in Local Communities" inquiry explored the economic, political, demographic, and social forces at municipal and community level which shape practices and consequences of social exclusion and potential pathways to inclusion. Phase 2 of this research focused on a representative sample of municipalities (20–30 per country) in Hungary, Romania, and Serbia to explore basic local social services and infrastructure provisions, conditions of political participation of the Roma, and local interventions targeting Roma inclusion. This research phase relied on structured field research collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. This short country report is based on the Final Country Report on the Faces and Causes of Roma Marginalization in Hungary, edited in June 2013 by Tünde Virág, with contributions from Márton Czirfusz, Katalin Kovács, Szilvia Rézműves, Gyöngyi Schwarcz, András Száraz, Dezső Szegedi, Gergely Tagai, Annamária Uzzoli, Monika Mária Váradi, and Zsuzsa Vidra. Katalin Fehér and Anna Hamar also contributed to the fieldwork.

Center for Policy Studies (CPS)
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