Europe's deliberative intergovernmentalism: the role of the Council and European Council in EU economic governance

TitleEurope's deliberative intergovernmentalism: the role of the Council and European Council in EU economic governance
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsPuetter, Uwe
Journal titleJournal of European Public Policy

The European Union’s (EU’s) responses to the economic and financial crisis provided a vigorous illustration for how the role of the Union’s core intergovernmental bodies – the European Council and the Council – has evolved in recent years. The European Council has emerged as the centre of political gravity in the field of economic governance. The Council and the Eurogroup fulfil a crucial role as forums for policy debate. The emphasis on increased high-level intergovernmental policy co-ordination is the reflection of an integration paradox
inherent to the post-Maastricht EU. While policy interdependencies have grown, member state governments have resisted the further transfer of formal competences to the EU level and did not follow the model of the Community method. Instead, they aim for greater policy coherence through intensified intergovernmental coordination. Given its consensus dependency, this co-ordination system can best be conceptualized as deliberative intergovernmentalism.

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Center for European Union Research (CEUR)