Seventeen-month-olds appeal to false beliefs to interpret others' referential communication

TitleSeventeen-month-olds appeal to false beliefs to interpret others' referential communication
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsSouthgate, V., C. Chevallier, and G. Csibra
Journal titleDevelopmental Science

Recent studies have demonstrated infants’ pragmatic abilities for resolving the referential ambiguity of non-verbal communicative gestures, and for inferring the intended meaning of a communicator's utterances. These abilities are difficult to reconcile with the view that it is not until around four years that children can reason about the internal mental states of others. In the current study, we tested whether 17-month-old infants are able to track the status of a communicator's epistemic state and use this to infer what she intends to refer to. Our results show that manipulating whether or not a communicator has a false belief leads infants to different interpretations of the same communicative act, and demonstrate early mental state attribution in a pragmatic context.

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Cognitive Development Center (CDC)
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