Society and Genetic Information: Codes and Laws in the Genetic Era

TitleSociety and Genetic Information: Codes and Laws in the Genetic Era
Publication TypeBook
EditorSandor, Judit
PublisherCentral European University Press
Place of PublicationBudapest
SeriesCPS Books
Series NumberISSN 1587-694
ISBN963 9241 75 X, paperback
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The book addresses the social, ethical, and legal implications of collecting, storing, analyzing, and commercializing genetic information in a multidisciplinary perspective. Prominent biologists, medical doctors, lawyers, anthropologists, philosophers, sociologists, and theologians from different countries provide their views on the complex biological and social impacts of the imminent proliferation of genetic information. The authors explore the various uses and applications of genetic information in the biomedical sciences and in various non-medical domains, and discuss the current dilemmas of making laws in the field of the genetics. Key words: genome project, genetic data, stem cell research, genetic testing and screening, biobank, discrimination, human rights, genetic privacy, insurance, ownership, consent.

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Center for Policy Studies (CPS)